Chapter 384

"Ahem, President, you continue to talk." Yao Qianshu coughed twice, sat up straight, looked ahead, and said.

"Hey~ I just wanted to inform you that the arena might be a little troublesome this time." The president continued with a sigh.

"I should have mentioned to you that I have a <Beyond> friend?"

Yao Qianshu nodded silently.

"She will also participate this time...but she is...she has a weird personality, so try not to conflict with her, just do what you can, and get a No.3." The president said and looked at it. look at them.

"Then who is this <Transcendent>? What does it look like?" Yao Qianshu asked.

"You don't need to know about this, I think, if there is no accident, she should not take the initiative to find you two." The president thought for a while and said.

Based on what I know about her, it is estimated that this guy will stare at that Renyi the whole round...

"What if we accidentally bump into her?" Lu Renjia asked in a low voice after hearing the words.

"Well... I'll remind her when the time comes. Besides, according to his intelligence capabilities, he probably already knows all the information about the two of you. For the sake of a guild, he shouldn't provoke you." He replied lightly.

"Remember, as long as you can get No.3, don't try to compete for the first and second, otherwise..."

"I know, we might lose our lives, right...we won't be so overreaching." Lu Renjia stood up as he spoke, as if planning to leave.

"I have a very clear understanding of my abilities, so I don't need to remind the president."

Yao Qianshu turned around and looked at Lu Renjia who walked out of the room.

"Uh...then, I'll leave first too, President."

The president didn't answer, just nodded silently.

After the two left, the president silently clicked on the information stored in the system that Xue Xi had given him.

"It seems that this little guy didn't take what I said to heart..."

The president projected the profiles of the two of them onto the wall in front of them, dividing them into two screens.

"Oh? I didn't expect this guy to do needlework every night. It's no wonder he is talkative. It turns out that it's a lie..."

"Tsk~ I really can't tell, Yao Qianshu actually has such a hobby..."


"Huh? The arena said that the competition system has been adjusted this time. I don't know what it will be like." Yao Qianshu walked side by side with Lu Renjia and came to the guild hall.

"Adjustment... It seems that a two-dimensional world is used as the stage, today's knockout round..." Lu Renjia looked at the introduction of the system with a smile on his face.

Urban warfare?Jungle battle?This format is quite suitable for me.

Thinking about it, Lu Renjia summoned his substitute - the Killer Queen.

He turned his head and looked at Yao Qianshu next to him.

You know, anything the Killer Queen touches will turn into a bomb, and I can't set immunity to teammates, so...

At that time, if you accidentally blow up you, don't blame me~
Yao Qianshu seemed to have noticed Lu Renjia's gaze, and looked at him stupidly.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Yao Qianshu asked.

"No, it's okay." Lu Renjia replied blankly, turned his head, and walked towards the gate.

As soon as the two of them left the guild, they bumped into the previous big man with all the muscles.

"You two..."

"It's you……"

"You guys, have you signed up?" The big man asked with a strange expression, blocking the way of the two of them.

"Of course, the match will start tomorrow." Lu Renjia replied as a matter of course.

The big man was a little annoyed when he heard the words, and the veins on his biceps bulged.

"Looking at you, don't tell me you didn't participate?" Yao Qianshu asked curiously.

"By the time I arrived... the registration deadline had already been closed." The big man gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Oh, who told you to shout in the guild, you deserve it." Lu Renjia smiled disdainfully and said.

"You!" The big man took a step closer angrily, trying to grab Lu Renjia by the collar.

Unfortunately, the latter moved a little faster than him. Before he moved, Lu Renjia had already reacted.

Before the big man had time to make a move, he felt an inexplicable impact coming from the direction of the opponent. It was a sudden force, invisible and silent.

"Ah?" With a cry of surprise, the big man fell to the ground.

"It was just..."

"You should be glad that I'm in a good mood today, otherwise..." Lu Renjia walked up to him, looked down at the big man sitting on the ground, and said coldly.

Before the big man could answer, Lu Renjia passed him and walked towards the street.

And Yao Qianshu just glanced at the big man on the ground, then followed Lu Renjia's footsteps.

After the two left, the big man silently got up from the ground and glanced at the direction in which they left.

"Heh... This guy doesn't really think that he is the only one with special abilities..."

"Looking at that appearance, it should be Yoshikage Kira's Killer Queen..."

The big man walked into the guild while muttering.

Back to Yao Qianshu and Lu Renjia.

After giving the big man a little lesson, the two came to the street.

"Where are we going next?" Yao Qianshu asked.

"Familiarize yourself with the environment here. Speaking of which, I haven't done a good job of shopping yet." Lu Renjia began to look around as he spoke.

"Huh? Why is there a socket here?"

Yao Qianshu took a closer look.

"Hey? This should be just an ordinary wall...Where is there..."

"There is obviously one here..." Lu Renjia frowned and continued.

Out of curiosity, Yao Qianshu slowly moved his hand closer.

Suddenly, Lu Renjia seemed to remember something, and grabbed Yao Qianshu, trying to stop him.

It's a pity it's too late.

Yao Qianshu's hand had already touched the socket on the wall.

In an instant, a current gushed out from the socket and wrapped around the two of them. After about two seconds, the arc began to dissipate. At the same time, the socket on the wall also disappeared.

"Damn it, are you a step too late..." Lu Renjia gritted his teeth and looked at his hands.

"What? What happened?" Yao Qianshu looked at Lu Renjia in a daze.

"Stay away from me!" Lu Renjia took a big step after speaking, and shouted at Yao Qianshu.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Yao Qianshu was even more puzzled, and asked eagerly.

"We have been recruited. It should be the same ability as mine. It is the substitute ability in JOJO." Lu Renjia said and looked around, as if he wanted to confirm whether the person who used the substitute was still here.

Unfortunately, there are almost no people on the street, probably because it is too far away from the center. The flow of people here is not very large. Although there are many buildings, most of them are empty houses. To put it bluntly, the houses are automatically generated by the system to create an atmosphere. .

"This is troublesome..."


(End of this chapter)

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