Chapter 387 New Humans

"It's really exciting... this match..."

The sky above the center of the main god's space is the center of the main god's system, and it is also the location of the "official organization" of the main god's space.

"I didn't expect that an arena I bought on a whim would be targeted by you." Mr. Zhao said to the person in front of him while sitting on a chair, turning the cup in his hand.

"It seems that Mr. Zhao, you still haven't figured out the current situation." In front of Mr. Zhao, a young man dressed with a sense of technology said expressionlessly.

"Oh?" Mr. Zhao slowly put down the quilt in his hand, frowning.

"We were created by the great Lord Uchiha Mingming... responsible for maintaining the rules here. In the words of you humans, we are official, and you..." The young man took a step closer as he spoke.

Mr. Zhao lowered his crossed legs and gradually leaned forward.

"We are existences far higher than human beings, products of gods... We are aware of any shortcomings and shortcomings of yours..." The young man had already come to Mr. Zhao, looking down at him.

"In other words, I know exactly what you think."

Mr. Zhao blinked with a stiff expression, and unconsciously exerted force with his right hand holding the cup.

"Human's way of thinking, body structure, behavior... have been analyzed one by one by me..." The young man grasped the cup in Mr. Zhao's hand.

"What... what do you want to say..." Mr. Zhao's voice trembled, he was afraid.

Originally, he was just a lucky traveler. After coming to the main god space, he happened to learn some management methods and bought an arena on a whim. Unexpectedly, just after the acquisition, the main god system sent himself a Notified...

"After analysis, you don't like drinking black tea, so..." the young man said lightly, and grabbed the black tea from Mr. Zhao's hand.

"I will replace the green tea for you. I didn't think carefully before, I'm very sorry..."

Looking at the young man who bowed ninety degrees to him, Mr. Zhao was a little confused.

It does not make sense?What does this guy mean?
"Ah~ It's okay, I'll just drink black tea." Although Mr. Zhao didn't understand what was going on, he politely subconsciously.

"Okay." The young man nodded, and put the black tea back on the table in front of him.

Mr. Zhao stared at the black tea on the table, then looked up at the young man.

Yesterday, that is, the third day after purchasing the arena, the main god system sent a notice to itself, saying that I should come to the center... At the same time, it issued a task for me, and specially granted me the ability to control the dimensional portal for a short time the privilege of...

As for this task, it is very simple. You only need to change the competition system of the arena. Mr. Zhao didn't think much about it. Now that the task is out, let's complete it by the way, not to mention that the reward is...

However, it is only 10 minutes before the start of the game, because Mr. Zhao was called to the center, so he had to announce the rules by projection.

Then again, this rule was actually issued by the system, and he just read it from the script.

Now, the task is completed, but the rewards can only be collected in person at the center, and there is no way to distribute them directly to the personal backpack.

This surprised Mr. Zhao, after all, it was the first time he encountered such a task, and it was rare to be invited to the center...

After all, this kind of place, which is similar to the official organization of the main god's space, is impossible for ordinary people to enter. Except for some traversers who can hold positions in certain departments, most people hardly even want to take a step closer.

And most of them are assigned to the surrounding areas, the center located in the central part, almost no one can come in, the staff here, without exception, are all created by the main god himself... something similar to artificial intelligence...

The appearance is exactly the same as that of human beings, and they even gained the ability to think and learn through some method. They call themselves new humans.

Anyway, things like time travel have happened to me, so what if there is an extra official agency in charge of artificial intelligence, everyone expressed that they can accept it.

It's such a place, to be able to invite myself in, and to hold a competition in my name, the significance of this...

Mr. Zhao was thinking while drinking black tea.

After drinking for about half an hour, looking at the half cup of black tea left, Mr. Zhao looked at the young man in front of him with some doubts.

"That... I don't know that Lord Lord God called me here to..."

Accompanied by Mr. Zhao's question, the young man who had been stunned for half an hour finally responded.

"Ah~ So you are here to find Lord Lord God..." The young man tilted his head and said expressionlessly.

I've been sitting here for a long time for feelings, but you still don't know what I'm doing after watching for a long time?
Just then, the automatic door of the room opened.

An old man with white hair came in, but he was tall and straight, wearing a straight and clean suit, with piercing eyes and a calm smile on his face. Although his hair was all white, Mr. You have to be energetic.

When the young man saw the person coming, he quickly bent down and said respectfully, "You are here..."

The old man waved his hand, but said nothing.

The young man stood up slowly, nodded, and walked out silently.

After he left, only Mr. Zhao and the old man of unknown origin were left in the room.

"Excuse me..." It was Mr. Zhao who broke the weird atmosphere first.

"Your task has been done very well, this is your reward." The old man said as he took out a briefcase out of nowhere.

Looking at the briefcase in front of his eyes, Mr. Zhao looked at the old man with some doubts.

The old man didn't explain too much, he raised his finger and pointed towards the air.

At this time, the briefcase suddenly popped open automatically, and a burst of white light came out of it, rushing towards Mr. Zhao.

"This... this is..." Mr. Zhao was a little at a loss looking at the light surrounding him, and frantically tried to slap them away.

Unfortunately, these light particles cannot be touched.

After about a few seconds, all the light particles seemed to have received some kind of order, and rushed to Mr. Zhao's chest, and finally disappeared.

"This is your reward... welcome to join, my friend." Seeing this scene, the old man smiled even wider.

After a while, Mr. Zhao seemed to have adapted to the changes in his body, and slowly stood up.

It has been a few years since he came to the Lord God's Space. Since the props in the system are expensive, and the longevity props are extravagant, there are already signs of age on his face, but...

After being irradiated by the light, Mr. Zhao's skin is tender and smooth like a newborn.

After getting what he dreamed of, Mr. Zhao did not show a happy expression.

The old man just glanced at him, then left the room with a smile.

Mr. Zhao, on the other hand, didn't seem to have any intention of leaving, but just stood there without saying a word.


(End of this chapter)

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