Chapter 390 Time King
"It seems that the belt is indeed a good thing...with it, there will be prey that will come to the door by itself."

His name is Fan Zida, he should be regarded as one of the better ones among the traversers, and he has learned his skills in the world of experience.

Although he didn't have the special abilities of Lu Renjia and Yao Qianshu, but through the experience and strategy he learned, he could enjoy himself after coming to the main god's space.

First, I joined a medium-sized guild. Through some methods, I got the attention of the guild management, and successfully became friends with a member of the management. The qualification for the arena this time was won by this friend for myself.

After all, these rewards in the arena are not for nothing, so those large or medium-sized guilds will choose to send people to participate.

As for the small guilds, the tasks assigned by them every week may not be able to meet the standards, let alone spare time to participate in the competition. Of course, Yao Qianshu's guild is an exception.

Although they are relatively small in scale, thanks to this election meeting, they have added some members, and there are some rewards in the arena that they need, so they are sent to participate.

Small guilds participate in prizes. If the prizes are good enough, then it is okay to temporarily put down the tasks in hand and fight for them.

The big guild is different. I don't care about the prizes. I just want to participate and win the championship. This can be regarded as a way to increase the guild's popularity. Anyway, those who are in charge of the operation came up with it.

The people around Fan Zda were all sent by the guild to protect him. Since it was an order from the management, even if Fan Zda was weaker than some people, that person had to obey him.

It's a bit like the relationship between sect disciples in the fantasy system... A disciple with a background can call other disciples at will, who let others have a background.

And Fan Zida's luck is also relatively good, through the props distributed by the guild, they made contact with them immediately after they traveled here.

For the fairness of the game, the arena has made some efforts, such as temporarily cutting off the communication function of the system, but... the communication of the system cannot be used, and there are other communication methods...

After gathering in a certain way, they bumped into a knight by coincidence...

Due to the large number of people on his side, the knight could only be eliminated with tears in his eyes, and gave Fan Zida his belt that had not yet been warmed up.

"It's ridiculous, do you know who owns my dare you find me." Fan Zida pushed away the guards assigned to him by the guild that stood in front of him, and shouted at the other two teams.

I saw him pull out a transformation device from behind.

"Kamen Rider... Time King..." Zhao Caimao squinted his eyes and muttered.

Although it is only in the first form, Fan Zda can't help substituting it as the King of Time...

"The king of time, the king of time, this belt chose me, and you guys dare to challenge me... It's ridiculous." Fan Zida took another step forward while speaking, and put the transforming device on his waist at the same time.

Take out Shi Wang's watch and put it on the transforming device.

"Next, let's have a good experience of what it means to be overwhelmed." Fan Zida said and pressed the transformation button.


Accompanied by a burst of special effects that appeared out of thin air, Kamen Rider King appeared on the stage.

"Uh...shall we help him?" Behind Fan Zida, a guard murmured.

"Forget it, let him fight it by himself, just learn a lesson." Another guard replied.

Although it was the guild's arrangement, everyone was still dissatisfied.

We also want to transform, we also want to be a Kamen Rider, why should we give it to him.

I had had enough of this kind of hierarchical system before time travelling, but I didn't expect that I would have to endure this kind of anger after traveling to the main god's space.

It's a pity that there is no way, if you are disobedient, you can only be kicked out of the guild. Without the guild, you can't even take on the mission, let alone survive.

"Since he is so confident, let him go. Why don't we come and fight the Landlord and see how he is abused... Ah no, operate." The rest of the guards heard that it was a good idea.

"Let's get started. I have several decks of cards here. Let's make a few tables." One person took out a few tables and chairs from his backpack and placed them in front of everyone.

"Get started, stop the ink."

Of course Fan Zda could hear what they said, but he didn't intend to pursue it.

Of course I know you don't like me, but what can you do, the guild's arrangement, I'm the leader.

Since you want to see me embarrassing, then sit there and wait to be slapped in the face!

With the confidence of a king, Fan Zida walked towards the stern man.

"Uh... Brother Zhou, he seems to be walking towards us." The tall and thin man behind the stern man patted him on the shoulder and said.

" seems that we have been underestimated..." The man called Brother Zhou looked at Fan Zida alone and said with a smile.

"Underestimate us...then you have to show him some color..." said the only woman in the team who walked Yu Jiefeng.

"I've seen this kind of guy a lot, and I can deal with it casually." A tall and strong man said disdainfully.

"Wow, are you all so reliable..." A child who looked young and seemed to be underage said with emotion.

"That's right, my brother brought you into your team. Can the team members be bad? They are all big bosses!" A teenager who looked slightly older than him said, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Okay, this kind of trash is not worth my hands, you can deal with it, Yingshe." Brother Zhou turned around as he spoke, and patted the tall and thin man on the shoulder.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I don't bother with this kind of stuff, you go and do it, phantom." Ying She said and turned back, her face was full of disdain, looking at Yu Jiefeng and the woman said of.

"I think my hands are dirty, Master Pang, go." The woman looked at her hands, curled her lips and said.

"How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer? You go, Xiao Qi." The tall and strong man said and patted the boy's head.

"That can't be done, such a good training opportunity, I must let my younger brother go." Xiao Qi said and pushed the younger brother in front of him.

"Xiaoran, go, exercise yourself."


Seeing that the opponent actually chose someone to challenge him one-on-one, Fan Zida shook his head.

"It seems that they look down on me..."

Fan Zida frowned when he saw that the one in the team was the smallest and most immature.

"Are you laughing at me..."

Although she was pushed out before she knew the situation, Xiao Ran firmly believed in her brother's words.

"I can't live up to my brother's expectations." Xiaoran said and put on a fighting posture, which seemed to be the case.

It must be because the opponent is too weak, so everyone let me come, this is a test.

"Boy..." Fan Zda seemed to be angry.

However, the next second...

"Pfft!" Fan Zida felt something hit his chest suddenly, producing a very powerful impact.

By the time he realized it, he had already flown a hundred meters away.

"what happened……"

Not only Fan Zida, even Xiao Qi didn't see clearly what his younger brother did.

"Hehe... Are you really too immature to even see what happened just now?" Master Pang stood behind Xiao Qi and said with a smile.

"Master Pang, have you seen it?" Xiao Qi hurriedly asked.



(End of this chapter)

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