The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 395 You need to learn physics well...

Chapter 395 You need to learn physics well...

After sitting Yingshe dead, Renyi slowly stood up.

After being eliminated, Ying She turned into light spots that surrounded Ren Yi and floated towards the sky.

"Shadow pardon!" Brother Zhou subconsciously yelled, and at the same time, the others were startled by Ren Yi's appearance and stood up one after another.

Brother Zhou's shout was more like a sign, giving everyone an object to pay attention to, or a direction.

Under normal circumstances, when everyone is resting, an unexpected situation suddenly occurs and causes riots. Most people cannot determine the direction of the riots. Therefore, at this time, the leader of the team is required to set a goal for everyone and guide them.

"What happened, I just saw something fall." Xiaoran ran to Brother Zhou and asked suspiciously.

Due to the scattered formation, the few people at the back of the team only heard the movement and saw the changes of the people in front, so they didn't know what happened, and they didn't see the scene of Yingshe being smashed to death.

"There are enemies..." Brother Zhou didn't explain too much, but kept staring at Ren Yi in front of him, and took two steps back very vigilantly.

"It fell from such a high place... This guy is not easy..."

Renyi glanced at the crowd blankly, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

When he was still in the sky, he had already noticed that other people were sitting there to rest. As long as this man was standing all the time, Renyi would not believe that he would not sit because of his bad legs and feet. This kind of person is usually vigilant Those with high hearts belong to the leader of the team, but as a leader, their strength should not be too bad.

After looking at Brother Zhou, Ren Yi looked at the two teenagers who looked very similar behind him.

It looks like they should be twins... Why does it feel familiar?
"What's going on..." Master Pang was also looking at Ren Yi, and leaned into Brother Zhou's ear and asked.

He was chatting happily with Xiaoran and Xiaoqi brothers just now, when suddenly there was a loud noise in front of him, like the sound of something falling from the sky and hitting the ground, and then he saw Brother Zhou and the others standing up to block There.

If he hadn't approached, Master Pang would not have been able to see Ren Yi's figure, and his vision was just blocked.

If you say that this Yingshe really knows how to choose a position, it's not good to sit there.

According to the calculation of the system, the ground subsidence caused by this impact force and the tiles raised by the aftermath can just fall at that position to achieve the expected effect, which is very compelling.

Coincidentally, there was someone sitting there, and Ren Yi was not polite, and he could take one away after every appearance animation, so why not do it.

"Uh...Yingshe must have been directly crushed to death..." Although Phantom was relatively close, she was busy shopping at the system mall at the time, so she didn't pay attention.

Brother Zhou nodded, frowning.

"Hey everyone, are you interested in practicing with me?" Renyi saw that the other party hadn't moved for a long time, so he had to speak first.

"Practice?" At this moment, Brother Zhou suddenly noticed the mark on his head.

"It seems that you are also a Kamen Rider, and you came to us not just for training, right?"

Ren Yi looked at Brother Zhou in surprise, and the other party's answer surprised him.

Shouldn't ordinary people find an opponent to test their abilities after getting the belt?Isn't this the so-called practice... Is my expression wrong or...

"Brother Zhou, let me do it." Of course, Xiaoran also noticed the mark on the opponent's head, and knew that the opponent was a Kamen Rider.

"" Brother Zhou was still shocked at the opponent's strength. After all, he fell from such a high place and sat on Yingshe to death, and he was still unscathed. One can imagine the strength of this kind of person.

But...he has also seen Xiaoran's strength. When the guild was wiped out just now, he seemed very relaxed. It should be that he has not used his full strength.

"Brother." Seeing this, Xiao Qi hurriedly walked a few steps closer and pulled Xiao Ran's sleeve.

Xiaoran just turned her head and glanced at him lightly, with a very natural expression.

Xiao Qi knew that although his elder brother usually acted foolishly, once he became serious, it meant that he had made up his mind and couldn't be persuaded.

Xiao Qi sighed, took two steps back, and said that she should go to the theater.

"Don't be impulsive... Since the other party is also a Kamen Rider, he should be staring at the belt in your hand..." Phantom came over and reminded.

"I know... After all, no one would be so stupid as to wear a belt and go in front of a group of people, unless he has absolute strength...but..." Xiaoran said and walked out.

"In terms of strength, I'm not bad."

When Ren Yi saw this young man with a belt walking towards him, although he wondered why the other party chose this 1V1 method, wouldn't it be nice to just go with him?
But it's not bad, anyway, I just want to try what it's like to be a Kamen Rider. Eliminating one by one is no different from eliminating a group of people directly. It's better to say that one by one is better, after all, the experience can be richer.

"Although you seem to be very confident, let me tell you directly. Your entire team will be eliminated by me. It's best to get rid of your delusions about defeating me." Ren Yi stood very casually, if not There was an open space next to him, and he wanted to lean against the wall the whole time.

"It's very arrogant... I hope you have the right to be so crazy." Xiaoran said and took out a stack of scrolls from her backpack.

"Huh? Don't you need a belt?" Ren Yi asked with some doubts when he saw that what the other party took out was not a knight's belt.

"To deal with you, I don't think you need a belt." Xiaoran said bluntly.

Ren Yi smiled when he heard this, what a guy, he's also quite crazy... Do you know that in anime and novels, those who dare to say that will end up miserable... Either they will be instantly killed, or they will be slapped in the face...

"It's okay for me to be crazy, but you'll be cold if you're crazy, brother..." Ren Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Does he set a flag for himself?" Master Pang muttered quietly.

"Hush, watch quietly." Brother Zhou beckoned him to shut up.

"I said, why don't we go together? He's only one person, wouldn't it be over if you just hit him with a bunch of skills?" Master Pang didn't intend to shut up.

Sister Lin, who had been silent all this time, smacked her lips.

"Are you blind or what? Have you seen the appearance of the soles of his feet? How high do you have to jump from to have such destructive power? The terrible thing is not the destructive power, but that he has nothing to do after he comes down." , normally speaking, the effect of force is mutual, since he can cause this kind of damage to the ground, otherwise he has to bear the same damage."

"If there is no specific value for this damage, you can use Ying She as a reference. He suffered such a move, which should have resisted part of the damage, but the ground is still destroyed like this... One can imagine this guy. strength……"

Hearing this, Master Pang stopped talking.


(End of this chapter)

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