Chapter 401 Sword to Sword


The yellow card thrown by Xuexi shot straight at the ninja girl.

Just when the card was about to stick to her face, a blue light suddenly appeared in the ninja girl's hand, which turned into a long sword.

"The Sword of the Great River is coming from the sky!"

A wave of sword energy then rose, surrounded her, and flicked the card to the side.

"This is..." Seeing that her attack didn't work, Xue Xi looked at her in surprise.

At this time, the ninja girl's clothing has undergone some changes.

Completely transformed from a ninja girl into a costume girl, holding a strangely shaped sword in her hand.

The only thing that remains the same should be the mask on her face... It's still that ghost face, which looks out of place with the ancient costume on her body.

"Oh... Interesting!" Seeing her posture, Xue Xi said with a smile.

"Look at the sword!" Before Xuexi could make a move, the girl in ancient costume had turned into an afterimage and rushed towards her.

By this time, Xue Xi had almost guessed it...Of course, the girl opposite her should also know about it.

Judging from their abilities and looks, both of them are undoubtedly <Transcendence>. As for the abilities bound to each other...

"You are very good. I didn't want to use the second role."

The other party had already rushed in front of her, Xue Xi stopped talking nonsense and snapped her fingers...

The girl didn't intend to wait for her to finish speaking. After reaching the attackable distance, she waved the sword in her hand without hesitation and stabbed Xue Xi.

However, the moment the girl's sword pierced Xue Xi's chest... Xue Xi's figure suddenly blurred and then disappeared.

"Fate...seems to be on my side."

Before the girl recovered, Xue Xi's voice came from behind her.


Accompanied by Xue Xi's yelling, the girl only felt that she was stabbed in the back by some kind of sharp weapon... when the sharp weapon was about to go deep...

"Huh?" After Xue Xi stabbed the girl, before she had time to use her strength, the girl turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

"Why does this scene look familiar?"

It might be that the moves of the two were too similar, Xue Xi's first reaction was to look behind her.

Sure enough, after turning around, the girl was standing where she started holding the sword...

From the slightly trembling arms and thighs of the opponent, Xue Xi could infer that her sword didn't seem to be empty. Although the stab wasn't deep, it did hurt the opponent...

"It seems that Lady Luck is really on my side..." A smile appeared on Xue Xi's face.

"It's my turn...Look at the sword!"

Feeling the slight pain in her back, the girl's face under the mask was a bit uncomfortable... Although it was only a minor injury, only a small piece of skin was cut, but it was the first time she was attacked on her back.

"You are still the first..." The girl picked up the sword, blocked Xue Xi's stabbing, and said.

"The first person who cut my back..."

"Oh? Then should I be happy?" Xue Xi said with a smile as the swords of the two met.

"I've always followed the way of an assassin, but I didn't expect to be ambushed by others..." the girl said while bouncing Xue Xi away.

"Then you failed as an assassin...Ha Sai!" Xue Xi tilted her head, and rushed up again with a vigorous step.

ding ding ding...

After several attacks and defenses, there was a gap between the two of them.

"The ability you are using now should belong to Li Bai in Glory of the King..." Xue Xi said while retracting the sword into its scabbard.

"That's right...and the one you used should be from League of Legends... Yasuo's..." The girl will also slowly put down the sword and said.

"Hahaha... Interesting... But, the fun is just about to begin!" Xue Xi smiled, a gleam of coldness suddenly flashed in her eyes.


Xue Xi, who was half bent, suddenly drew her sword, and a tornado made of sword energy rushed straight at the girl.

At this distance of only a few bodies, this kind of tornado is almost impossible to dodge, but the girl does not intend to accept her fate just like that.

I saw her rushing forward, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and her body had already entered the inside of the tornado.

"Sword of the Great River!"

Immediately afterwards, Xue Xi only saw her spinning in the wind, with the point of her sword touching the ground, and using one foot as a fulcrum, she spun around quickly.

Then, the tornado just disappeared...

But... After all, the main body has already entered the tornado, so...

"Handsome is pretty handsome, but..." Xue Xi shook her head and said.

"In my judgment, you are now in a knock-up state~"

"What?" The girl looked at her with some confusion.


In the next second, Xue Xi's figure had disappeared, and the girl only felt that her body was forcibly taken into the air.

"Breathless Slash!"

A flash of swords and swords flashed, and the girl felt as though every part of her body had been cut by sharp swords.

The sword in her hand slowly disappeared, Xue Xi looked at the girl lying not far in front of her, and walked over.

"Life is pretty tough~" Xue Xi looked down at the squinting girl.

At this time, the girl's ancient costume was in tatters, and the mask on her face had already been chopped into pieces, revealing a delicate face.

Hiss~ She still looks a little...cute...

"You are good enough to stand in front of me until now, not bad..." Xue Xi said as she knelt down and picked up the girl who was lying on the ground.

"You... want to..." The girl's voice was weak.

"Okay, I approve of your strength..." Xue Xi said as she carried her into the house.


"Huh? That sense of peeping disappeared?" Renyi at this time...

"Although I don't know who it is, it seems that this surveillance skill has a CD, and it's not short..."

While analyzing, Renyi began to operate the magic mirror in front of him.

After locking the screen on the three of Zhao Caimao, Ren Yi fell into deep thought.

"With the belt, it means that their position will be known by others. If someone wants to get the transformation device, they will definitely go to them..."

"But...if you want to stimulate this guy and let the transformation device evolve, you have to spend some time..."

Regarding how to evolve the Time King Transformer and turn it into a Demon Time King Transformer, Ren Yi imagined many situations.

For example, when the three of them were besieged, Okazora sacrificed himself to protect Mutsuki, but the attack happened to hit Mutsuki...

Another example... Gang Kong sacrificed his life to protect Mu Yue, and when he saw that Gang Kong was in trouble, Zhao Caimao couldn't help but step forward, seeing Zhao Cai Mao was in trouble, Mu Yue rushed over...

Another example... first separate the three of them, and then design a script, let Mu Yue and Zhao Caimao stay together, and when Okaku meets them, they happen to see Zhao Caimao eliminate Mu Yue with his own hands...

Scripts like this...

(End of this chapter)

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