The Holy Lord in the Comprehensive World

Chapter 403 Mission Accomplished

Chapter 403 Mission Accomplished

Everything happened so quickly, Zhao Caimao only felt a gust of wind blowing around him, and then saw the scene of Mu Yue being pierced through Ren Yi's chest.

"Zhao...Brother Zhao..." Muyue clutched her chest, trying to block the gushing blood, but it was useless after all.

After about two or three seconds, Mutsuki only felt wrapped in a chill, and his consciousness began to gradually blur.


When she was about to fall, she saw Zhao Caimao running towards her sideways.


Accompanied by a bumping sound when it landed, Mu Yuehou fell to the ground on his back.

"Muyue..." Zhao Caimao knelt down beside her, gently hugging her with both hands.

"It's now!" Ren Yi's eyes lit up, he shouted, and at the same time he pulled up Gang Kong who was lying on the ground.

At this moment, the comatose Gunkong woke up.

"Er... this is me..."

Due to being instilled with a memory that does not belong to him, Gan Kong's consciousness is still a little fuzzy now.

Ren Yi smiled, directly grabbed the back of his neck, and forcibly broke his head to Zhao Caimao and Mu Yue.

In order for him to wake up faster, Ren Yi specially turned on a little electricity to refresh him...

"Hiss~ ah!" After a scream, Gang Kong's consciousness gradually became clear. Although he was still a little uncomfortable, he could barely see what was in front of him...


Although I don't know how he felt after seeing this scene, what is certain is that it will definitely not feel good.

Renyi grabbed the back of his neck and stood behind him, watching all this.

"It seems to have worked."

When Okazora woke up, he lowered his head again when he saw Zhao Caimao and Muyue.

Ren Yi knew that he bowed his head this time not because he was in a coma, but... In film and television dramas, it is a necessary stage before every character becomes black!Bow your head and remember!
If you want to talk about why Renyi can be sure that he will turn black when he sees this place, it is thanks to the Naruto that he has seen in his previous life...

In Naruto, Renyi's favorite character is Uchiha Obito... a tragic and powerful man... He also remembers the plot of Obito very clearly.

It just so happened that, taking this opportunity, he slightly modified Obito's blackening process and implanted it in Gunkong's brain, so...

"A kind person like my brother Tu can be blackened so thoroughly, I don't believe you can't be blackened..." Ren Yi said to himself confidently.

It takes time to become black, and Ren Yi didn't hold him by the neck all the time, and let go around the same time.

Next, it should be left to the three of them...

In order to allow the blackening to continue, Ren Yi deliberately saved a hand when he eliminated Mu Yue. While penetrating Mu Yue's chest, he superimposed a layer of horse spell healing on him. With the strength of the fifth-level horse spell, even this This kind of fatal injury can still keep her alive for a short time, but... the horse charm superimposed by Renyi is time-limited, that is to say... as soon as Oka Sora's blackening is completed, Mutsuki's obligation will also be completed. The spell also stops healing, making it obsolete.

To put it bluntly, the horse talisman is now renewing her life, and the life force conveyed is just proportional to the lost life force. However, the life force conveyed does not help her heal her injuries, but keeps her alive.

After Renyi's observation, although it is not completely certain, this Gang Kong does have the potential to be blackened by love...

"I just don't know whether his love is deep or not..." Ren Yi came to the French window, felt the wind blowing head-on, and watched the scene outside the window.

"Brother Tu is black because he loves Lin too much. After all, Lin is the whole world to him...but he..."

"Muyue...Muyue, wake up!" Zhao Caimao didn't notice the movement on Gang Kong's side, after all, his back was facing there.

All he could see now was Mutsuki lying in his arms.

Although he is a little timid and selfish, he still values ​​friendship, and he can see Mutsuki's concern for him.

"Zhao...Brother Zhao..." Muyue slowly opened her eyes and said weakly.

"It's all my's my wife..." Zhao Caimao hugged Muyue tightly in his arms, crying.

"No...can't blame you...Brother Zhao..." Muyue stretched out her right hand and pawed Zhao Caimao's face weakly twice.

"Tsk~ Don't make up such an old-fashioned drama." Ren Yi, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, smacked his lips disdainfully and said.

At this moment, Gang Kong, who had been bowing his head in silence, made a movement.

Cracks suddenly appeared on the ground under his feet, and bursts of crimson light emerged from the cracks.

Accompanied by a burst of bells, a pair of golden clocks appeared behind Gunkong.

"Oh? Are you here?" Seeing this scene, Ren Yi raised his mouth slightly.

At the same time, the Shiwang belt worn by Gang Kong has also changed... from white and red directly to dark gold.

"it's time."

Finally, Gang Kong, who had been in a daze for a long time, finally made a movement. He spread his hands and pressed the sides of the belt.


"Blessing the moment!"

A burst of golden light enveloped Gang Kong, and golden straps wrapped around him.

"Almost got it."

Unfortunately, at this moment, Ren Yi came in front of him with lightning speed, and pulled off the transformation device on his waist.


Like a deflated balloon, the radiance on Gang Kong's body disappeared, and he himself fell to his knees screaming.

" have completed the task I gave you, and you have done it very well." Ren Yi looked at the transformation device in his hand, and said to Gang Kong who was kneeling on the ground.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the host for completing the task and gaining the power of the King of the Devils..."

Renyi smiled in satisfaction, put the King of Magic Transformer back into the system backpack, and walked to the French window again.

"For the sake of helping me complete the task, I'll let you go, this time it's true~" After saying that, Ren Yi's figure disappeared.

Only the three of them remained silent... Ah no... At almost the same moment, Mu Yue, who was lying in Zhao Caimao's arms, lost his movement, his body turned into a little light, and drifted away.

Only two people remained silent...


After returning to the rooftop, Camilla came up to meet her.

"The first goal has been achieved. In order not to delay the time, let us take over the rest of the rhythm." Ren Yi took out the belt from the backpack, shook it in front of Camilla, and said.

"Yes..." Camila seemed to understand Ren Yi's meaning, turned around and jumped off the rooftop... A flash of light flashed, and she turned into a dark giant.

"Jakuma! Come out!"

Immediately afterwards, Ren Yi waved his hand to the side, and two huge monsters fell from the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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