The queen's heir husband

Chapter 163 Was Discovered

Chapter 163 Was Discovered
Gong Luya's voice was high-pitched, trembling and frightened.

If these words are heard by others, big things will happen.

Gong Luya walked towards the corner, the sound of the high heels hitting the floor, ding ding dong dong, seemed to be stepping on Gong Yue'er's heart.

She wanted to leave, this was not the right time to scare the snake away.

But her feet were weak, and she couldn't get up at all.

Right here, He Si strode over, picked up Gong Yueer who was on the ground, and flashed into the utility room next to the bathroom.

Gong Luya walked to the corner and was relieved to see that there was no one there.

But still worried and worried.

She glanced at the closed utility room door, her heart beating ding-dong-dong.

His face was also abnormally pale, and he no longer had the complacency he had just now.

In the utility room, Gong Yueer let He Si hug her, leaning on He Si's body with all his weight.

At this moment, Gong Yueer is like a fragile porcelain doll.

Those arrogance, those indifference, those unruly, all disappeared.

There is only struggle, only pain.

He Si obviously felt that Gong Yue'er was different. Originally, Gong Yue'er and Gong Luya had left, so he should go out to do errands.

There are many things at the end of the year.

However, he was worried about Gong Yueer, and he was still a little uneasy.

Knowing Gong Yue'er's character, she would never suffer, only she let others suffer.

But he still couldn't help worrying that the little woman in their family was just a child.

In He Si's mind, Gong Yue'er is a weak little woman, how can she fight against Li Shanshan's old woman who eats people but doesn't spit out bones.

Fortunately, he found it.

He was even glad that he happened to be there when she needed her.

Gong Luya's footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Gong Yue'er grabbed He Si's hand more and more forcefully. If it was summer, her nails would have to dig into He Si's flesh.

He Si also felt Gong Yueer's nervousness.

With pity in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to gently pat Gong Yue'er's back, comforting the little woman in his arms.

He Si's every move could really soothe Gong Yue'er's emotions at the moment, and she became much calmer.

Originally fighting alone, this moment is not so scary.

Because he is there.

Obviously the mother and daughter should feel guilty the most, they are the murderers, why should she be afraid, why should she hide.

With the strength returning to Gong Yue'er's body bit by bit, her eyes became colder and colder.

With another hand hanging down, he touched the scalpel between his legs.

At this moment, Gong Yue'er was full of killing intent towards the mother and daughter.

As long as Gong Luya dares, as long as she dares to enter the utility room, she dares to kill her.

She killed their mother and daughter first to relieve the hatred in her heart, what will happen next, she doesn't want to think about it,

The big deal is that a life is worth a life, and she still makes money.

Crazy, Gong Yue'er is really crazy, thinking about dying together.

Gong Yueer's hand touching the scalpel was held down by He Si, such Gong Yueer scared him, and he felt like he couldn't grasp it.

It was clearly in his arms, but it was still illusory.

It's like sand in your hand, the tighter you hold it, the faster it will flow.

He shook his head, he signaled Gong Yue'er not to be impulsive.

He even held Gong Yue'er's hand.

He knew that as long as the little woman in his arms took out the scalpel, he would definitely see blood.

Either save or kill.

The sound of Gong Luya's footsteps stopped at the door of the utility room. She stretched out her hand to hold the doorknob of the utility room. With a slight push, Gong Yue'er and He Si had nowhere to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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