The queen's heir husband

Chapter 18 Provocation

Chapter 18 Provocation
After joining the ranks, Gong Yue'er's aura changed, she was a real soldier.

The standard military posture is majestic, tall and straight, which is admirable.

Then, the man standing next to He Si said some basic information, but Gong Yueer didn't listen to a word.

The only thing they knew was that she did not belong to He Si's training, and the dark-skinned man with sly eyes in front of him was their instructor.

His eyes swept over He Si vaguely.

His whole aura has changed, this is the third meeting.

However, this time it brought her shock.

This man's aura is mysterious and unfathomable, with the toughness and fortitude of a soldier, but relatively speaking, he looks calm and calm, as if he has experienced the baptism of blood. life.

"All teammates, turn left."

"Target, ten kilometers off-road."

After the instructor's voice fell, they turned left neatly and ran towards the runway directly in front of them.

There was a cold look in Gong Yue'er's eyes that had been condensed all the time.

On the first day, the first training was ten kilometers off-road.

It's so ruthless, it's simply a life-threatening exercise.

It was okay at first, the whole army ran in an orderly manner, and Gong Yueer followed the team unhurriedly.

But when it was three kilometers, it started to be chaotic.

The difference in physical fitness emerged, and Gong Yue'er was in the row with poor physical fitness.

Her face was still expressionless, but her steps slowed down a lot, and she couldn't run anymore.

If she had an operation, she would be fine standing for a day, but running, she was fine in the early years, but now she can't stand it at all.

At this time, the sound of car exhaust was heard from behind, and a military car was driving towards them majesticly.

Instructor Bainahai held a loudspeaker in his hand, shouting excitedly.

"Rookies, stop if you can't run anymore. There is a big pot of beef stewed in the cafeteria, and you can return to the original army tomorrow."

"I can't bear to part with the original instructor, the original comrade-in-arms, stop, everything is over."

Gong Yue'er turned her head and glanced at the man in the co-pilot who closed his eyes and rested his mind, a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Feeling Gong Yueer's gaze, the man opened his eyes.

The corners of He Si's mouth evoked a faint smile between the four eyes, that smile was mocking and disdainful.

Gong Yue'er was instantly angry, what the hell, damned man.

Why bring her to this place, and then torture her severely.

In order to get her out?A blow to her self-confidence, let her recognize the fact that she is good?
No, she must not let old man Gong and this annoying man be underestimated.

Gong Yue'er could even imagine that if she came to the army one day and was eliminated and returned home, old man Gong would definitely ridicule her and even gloat about her misfortune.

She is the laughing stock of the compound.

Looking at He Si, Gong Yue'er's cold, murderous eyes showed a slight smile.

However, it is full of provocation mixed with it.


He Si's calm eyes were full of coldness, but he didn't pay any attention to Gong Yue'er.

It seemed that in his eyes, Gong Yueer's provocation was nothing, and she was irrelevant, just like treating a stranger.

Not only did Gong Yueer, who was neglected, not get discouraged, but her fighting spirit became more and more passionate.

She will definitely blind his dog's eyes.

At meal time, five kilometers have passed.

A third of them gave up, and they were directly eliminated in the first round.

(End of this chapter)

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