Chapter 192

She just likes to see Gong Luya's expression of congratulating her with a smile when he is clearly so sad and angry that he wants to explode.

It's so beautiful, it's so satisfying.

Gong Luya wanted to leave, but how could Gong Yueer miss the chance to step on her.

"Xiaoya, you're not too young, your brother-in-law is surrounded by male gods."

"Let your brother-in-law introduce you to one another day."

He Si is definitely a model of doting on his wife. Gong Yue'er does whatever she wants, knowing what she is thinking, knowing that she is deliberately trying to make people look bad, but he still pampers her.

"Well, if Xiaoya likes someone, I'll set you up."

The smile on Gong Luya's face was a little unnatural.

But he still smiled far-fetchedly: "Then I will trouble my brother-in-law more."


After He Si finished speaking, he took Gong Yue'er away, and Gong Luya didn't want to stay any longer.


God knows how difficult it was for her brother-in-law to say it from her mouth, as if she was holding a blunt dagger to hurt herself.

Compared with brother-in-law, she prefers to be called husband.

Seeing that they had left, Gong Luya turned around angrily and left, and found an empty room. The moment the door was closed, her face darkened instantly.

Her ferocious face was full of murder.

"Gong Yueer, you little bitch, I'm going to tear you to pieces."

Li Shanshan watched Gong Luya walking towards this side, worried and followed.

Opening the door, she also changed her face.

"That little bitch is simply an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, and she broke all the well-designed games."

"It's the same with that kid He Si, who opened his eyes and told nonsense just to help that bitch."

"That character, I don't think so."

"Mom, everything about He Si is that little bitch's fault."

Gong Luya does not allow anyone to speak ill of her male god, not at all.

The two mother and daughter sat on the sofa in the lounge, their faces were ugly.

Gong Luya was very unwilling. If Gong Yue'er was let go today, it would be very difficult to have such an opportunity.

Suddenly, Gong Luya stood up from the sofa, her eyes were terribly sinister, with the murderous aura like a madman.

"Mom, is anyone here in the lounge?"

"No, they are all outside at this time, and no one will come."

"Mom, like this."

If one plan fails, Gong Luya will make another plan. Today, she has to let Gong Yue'er not have a bright future.

Seeing He Si standing next to her with a tender and protective look on his face, she went crazy with jealousy.

That man should belong to her, those tenderness can only be hers, no one can take it away.

Li Shanshan glanced at her grim-looking daughter, not quite sure if this strategy would work.

But hatred also blinded her eyes.

If the marriage discussion between the two families can't be disrupted today, according to that boy He Si's protection of Gong Yue'er, Gong Yue'er's status in the Gong family will be greatly improved from now on.

He Si will take that position in the near future, and Gong Yueer will be the first lady by then.

At that time, there was no place for their mother and daughter.

Thinking about it, Li Shanshan followed Gong Luya's plan, turned around and left in a hurry.

Gong Luya wasn't idle either, so she hurriedly called someone to deliver what she wanted.

However, Gong Yueer, who was still in the banquet hall, was not in a good state.

Hoss publicly admitted that she was his girlfriend.

That bastard was simply drawing hatred on her, instantly making her the target of public criticism, and becoming the envy and envy of all women.

Some people who were not at odds with Gong Yue'er spoke even more with guns and sticks.

(End of this chapter)

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