Chapter 205

"Cut, isn't she the eldest daughter of the Gong family? Although she looks enchanting, she can't hold up the scene. Do you think that the lady of the He family can agree?"

"Do you have any gossip, tell me, tell me."

A group of people began to bite their ears outside the bathroom, but the voice was not low at all, and Gong Yueer heard all of them.

It's just that the expression on her face didn't change.

The next moment, she pushed open the bathroom door.

There was a smile in her eyes, full confidence in the corners of her eyes and brows, and there was no shortage of infuriating provocations.

"Don't worry, no matter how unpopular I am, he is mine."

"The one in my family who loves me is so tight that she has to follow her to the bathroom."

"You said, do you still have a chance?"

It is said that Gong Yueer is flamboyant and unruly.

The way she flaunted herself was like showing her teeth and claws, which made people itch with hatred.

But the crux of the matter is that these are all facts, and it is impossible to refute them.

The moment they saw Gong Yueer, the faces of those women turned pale instantly, full of fear of Gong Yueer.

"Gong, Miss Gong"

Gong Yue'er ignored them and went directly to the sink with high heels.

She didn't know that the sink was full of people, and she couldn't squeeze through.

A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Can't help but start to resent He Si, it's not his fault for being handsome, but it's his fault for being handsome and showing off.

Gong Yue'er stepped on her high heels angrily, and managed to squeeze out from the bathroom.

Sure enough, He Si was seen smoking a cigarette standing in the aisle.

This is the culprit of the congestion in the bathroom, Gong Yue'er walked over with a smile.

The moment he saw Gong Yueer, He Si threw the cigarette butt away.

Walking towards her: "Go to my house for dinner tomorrow, huh?"

The smile on Gong Yue'er's face rippled, but it was a bit sly.

She stretched out her hands and wiped them directly on He Si's suit: "Eat, I'll let you eat."

"Let you eat your fill."

He Si didn't dodge, let Gong Yueer vent his emotions, his eyes were full of doting smiles.

That's probably Gong Yue'er making trouble, he's laughing.

"Have enough fun?"

"Who played with you, you'd better stay away from me!"

"Baby, isn't it too late to say this at this time?"

"Now everyone knows that you are mine, and you can still escape!"


Gong Yueer scolded He Si, then turned and left.

For some reason, He Si's words about going to his house for dinner made her flustered.

The little girl who didn't change her face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of her eyes was actually afraid sometimes, and the magic knife doctor who cut open the abdomen with a scalpel as easily as cutting cabbage was actually afraid of eating a meal.

Gong Yue'er didn't want to admit it, but because of this sentence, she became upset.

I was in the bathroom just now because of those gossips, I was not very happy, but when I came out, I saw that evildoer, and I must be upset.

He Si watched Gong Yue'er leave angrily, and the smile on his face widened.

The little girl in his family is shy.

In the past, the little girl of his family didn't have any expression on her face, she was so indifferent that people dare not approach her, but now she is much more lively.

He Si smiled lightly, and followed him out of the bathroom corridor.

At this point, the bride and groom is going on.

However, the few people making trouble are all friends of Zuo Wei.

The Gong family didn't invite anyone here, they were all people who heard the news and came uninvited.

After all, this matter should be handled in a low-key manner.

"Zuo Wei, you can do it, you have taken all the flowers of the Gong family sisters!"

(End of this chapter)

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