The queen's heir husband

Chapter 220 Open Your Eyes and Talk About Blindness

Chapter 220

Gong Yue'er really wasn't nervous, that kind of coldness was like going to the battlefield.

Somebody wanted to interfere with her, but she didn't want to make her feel better. Of course, she had to fight back.

He Si took Gong Yue'er to the mall to buy some supplements, and it was almost time for him to go around.

He drove directly to the He family's manor.

This is Gong Yue'er's first visit to the He family. The manor is very large, a typical European style building.

Like sitting in a magnificent palace.

He Si took Gong Yue'er into the living room, and there was a burst of laughter from inside.

His mother beamed.

have a guest?
He Si frowned instantly, and his face turned cold.

He had told his family earlier that he would take Yueyue home for dinner today, but there were still people visiting his house at noon.

It doesn't feel good.

Sensing He Si's change, Gong Yue'er became more calm.

Turning her head, her eyes met, she smiled at He Si and shook her head.

Silently said: "It's okay!"

The first lady had already heard the movement and deliberately ignored He Si.

Seeing that he didn't go in for a long time, he called softly: "Asi is back?"

He Si walked in with Gong Yue'er with a cold face.


His eyes were indifferent, and he swept Jin Yili on the sofa sharply like a nighthawk.

This glance was very meaningful, and it was even more chilling.

Jin Yili's body began to tense involuntarily, and the smile on her face became unnatural.

The dignified smile on Mrs. He's face remained unchanged: "Yueyue, you're here too!"

"It just so happens that Miss Jin's family also came to visit me, and you have a companion too!"

Gong Yueer smiled lightly and put the gift in her hand on the table: "Auntie, it seems that I came at a bad time!"

No one thought that Gong Yue'er would not give people a chance to breathe when she opened her mouth.

Even He Si didn't expect Gong Yue'er to be so direct and not give his mother any face.

"How could it be? I've been looking forward to Yueyue coming to visit my aunt."

"My Asi has a stern face all day long, and can't say a few words. The house is deserted. I hope you will come more."

Gong Yue'er didn't speak, but she was still a little scrupulous in her heart, not daring to be unscrupulously angry.

After all, this is He Si's mother.

Jin Yili also calmed down, with a generous smile on her face: "As long as Auntie doesn't dislike it!"

"I'll come over to accompany you when I have time!"

Mrs. He gently took Jin Yili's hand and patted it, with a look of relief on her face: "Good boy!"

Then in a blink of an eye, she asked Gong Yueer to sit down, and Wen Wan let He Si go to the study, leaving the three of them downstairs.

It is said that three women make one play, and today is also a big play.

"Yueyue, I heard that your family had a happy event?"

"Your sister married that what?"

Wen Wan simply does not open any pot and lifts which pot, but her tone of voice does not make people feel any discomfort.

Her voice is nice, indeed gentle, and she speaks very slowly.

Even when talking about unpleasant words and uncomfortable topics, it sounds very comfortable.

"A wedding?"

"When did the Gong family have a wedding? Why didn't our Jin family receive a wedding invitation?"

Jin Yili looked at Gong Yue'er suspiciously.

Among the eight major families, if there is a happy event, they should all receive invitations.

There was no change on Gong Yue'er's face, she spoke with a faint smile.

"My grandparents don't like extravagance and waste, so they simply invited relatives to eat for two tables."

"Xiaoya said she wanted to travel and get married."

In fact, everyone knew what was going on, but Gong Yueer still opened his eyes and told nonsense.

And he doesn't blush and doesn't breathe, that shameless ability has been truly taught by He Si.

Even the smile on Wen Wan's face froze.

 I went out to play for a day today, I am a little tired, I owe 2 chapters, I will make it up tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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