The queen's heir husband

Chapter 224 Being Provoked

Chapter 224 Being Provoked

The corner of He Si's mouth twitched slightly, but there was a spark in his eyes.

It's good that Gong Yue'er didn't open his mouth, this opening reminded him of what he had just eaten.

It was obvious that his mother wanted him to sit with Jin Yili, and the seats were arranged.

But he still wants to have dinner with his little girl.

Who knew that Gong Yue'er was so generous and directly gave up the seat next to him to Jin Yili.

Sit down at the seat opposite him and eat happily.

Others couldn't tell that she was satisfied with those meals, but how could he not know.

His little girl's focus is all on food, and she doesn't worry about him at all.

Mrs. He was also very satisfied that Gong Yueer was so sensible, and even a little relieved.

She thought that Gong Yue'er quit in spite of the difficulties, and knew that their family was not very satisfied with her as a daughter-in-law, so she gave up.

Who knows that Gong Yue'er has such a big heart that she doesn't care about other things at all.

Gong Yue'er turned her head to look at the man who was driving but exuded air-conditioning, and asked a faint question.

"Are you angry?"

"Gong Yueer, what you gave up wasn't a position, but a man."

"Will you follow?"

He Si almost laughed angrily at this question.

The little girl in his family is confident, knowing that Jin Yili can't get into his eyes at all, even if he sleeps on the same bed, he won't have any reaction.

With such a big-hearted girlfriend, I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

"will not!"

"That's right, isn't there only one seat, just let her love to sit."

He Si turned his head angrily, ignoring her.

The little girl in his family is a bit of an emotional idiot at all, and she doesn't know that this is not as simple as a position.

Nor is it a trivial matter, but a matter of sovereignty.

A certain country still swears its sovereignty from time to time, and its territory is sacred and inviolable. As for his little girl, the enemies have come to her territory to run wild, and she doesn't take it seriously.

She is simply raising the enemy's momentum.

According to He Si's character, he should defeat the enemy with one move, and wipe out all the hope of the woman.

If you can't see hope, you can only despair, and there will be no waves.

Then He Si compromised, this kind of thing cannot be learned overnight.

Emotional intelligence is something that some people are very high, like his girl, the emotional intelligence is so low that people want to complain.

He Si didn't know that Gong Yue'er's EQ was ridiculously high, not because she didn't understand, but because she pretended not to understand.

Wisdom is stupid.

Playing hard to get this trick was mastered by Gong Yue'er.

After returning home to pack up their things, He Si and Gong Yueer set off on their way home.

When he returned home, he worked hard to be with Gong Yue'er, and returning to the army became a matter of course.

Back in the dormitory, almost everyone in the dormitory has come, even Jin Jinxin has come.

The moment she saw Gong Yueer, her face was full of ridicule and provocation.

"Gong Yueer, you really are shameless."

"People don't like you, and you still move forward."


Gong Yue'er stood by the bed sorting things, glanced at Jin Jinxin lightly, and sneered.

"Doesn't fix it for a few days and the dog starts howling again?"

"Why, do you still want to fight?"

Jin Jinxin was so angry that his face was pale, and he wanted to say something, but he swallowed it again.

When she thought that her sister was about to marry into the He family, she was happy and couldn't help but taunt Gong Yueer a few words.

She almost forgot that Gong Yue'er was a cruel master, and would fight if she disagreed with her.

(End of this chapter)

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