Chapter 230

"Auntie, please don't cause trouble, it's obvious that the captain is trying to curry favor with you."

It's fine if you don't appreciate it, and offended the King of Hades.

Once the captain got angry, the consequences would be very serious, and all of them would not have a good life.

Gong Yue'er turned her head and ignored Bai Nachuan.

Others couldn't understand the interaction between them, but the parties involved could see it clearly.

Especially Zhao mushroom.

Those eyes looked at Gong Yue'er sharply, without concealing the evil spirit in them.

Why, why is this woman?
The tenderness she dreamed of, this woman doesn't cherish and ignore it when she gets it.

What a frustrating rhythm.

"Captain, wait for me!"

Bai Nachuan took a deep look at Gong Yueer, turned around and went after He Si.

Zhao Yu glared at Gong Yue'er fiercely, with a bit of disdain still in his tone.

"Gong Yueer, you escaped this time, and you won't be so lucky next time!"

"Really? Why do I feel that good luck favors me?"

"Instructor Zhao, it's better to leave!"

Gong Yue'er had a ostentatious smile on her face. Compared with her ability to piss people off, Gong Yue'er recognized the number one, and no one dared to recognize the second.

It's simply pissed off.

As soon as Zhao Yu left, other members of the Internal Affairs Department hurriedly left to check the next dormitory.

Seeing those people leave, the smile on Gong Yue'er's face also disappeared.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Others don't know what's going on, but she knows it very well, if Zhao Yong is smarter, he will definitely see the flaw.

That damn tofu block, how can it be learned overnight.

Her cube of tofu looked perfect, but inside it was a mess.

She can only be like her appearance, not like her spirit.

The most relieved thing is Youyi, she knows Gong Yueer's level very well, otherwise she wouldn't rush up to make the quilt for her just because she saw the inspection of internal affairs.

It just broke my heart.

She strode towards Gong Yue'er's bed, lowered her head and inspected the tofu cube carefully.

The originally indifferent face was full of doubts.

"Yueyue, how did you do it?"

Gong Yue'er leaned against the railing of the bed, looking like a ruffian, and hooked her hands at the entertainment.

"Girl, come here, I will explain to you!"

You Yi really came close to Gong Yue'er, Gong Yue'er leaned over and whispered a few words next to You Yi's head.

The corner of Youyi's mouth twitched, with an expression of disbelief.

"That's okay too?"

Gong Yue'er ignored You Yi, turned around and whistled hooligans to leave.

She is going to visit and watch the drill of Zhao Da's instructor.

The opportunity to add insult to injury doesn't just come along, if it wasn't for her cleverness.

She is the one who is training on the training ground at the moment.

Walking to the door, Gong Yue'er suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Jin Jinxin.

Four eyes facing each other.

Jin Jinxin was very awkward, and gave Gong Yue'er a hard look.


"Thank you, I just don't want to be implicated by some people!"

"Don't worry, I don't really want to thank you!"

"Gong Yueer, you"

Gong Yueer turned around and went straight to the playground, waiting for Zhao Yun's perfect figure.

When Gong Yue'er disappeared around the corner, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, and what remained was only cold and indifferent.

She has been ungrateful for so many times, he must be angry!

Thinking of He Si's gloomy face when he left, Gong Yue'er felt restless for a while.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Gong Yueer saw Zhao Yu's figure, she put her hands in her pockets, and walked over casually.

"Instructor Zhao, why should women embarrass women, don't you think so?"

"But what to do, I just want to embarrass you!"

(End of this chapter)

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