Chapter 237
She is afraid of trouble and avoids all trouble.

Her family's environment is complicated, and she is also a stepmother, so every step is like walking on eggshells.

She didn't dare to relax a little bit, and if she didn't pay attention, she would be doomed. She had carried too much, and her mother's grievances had not been cleared up.

She dare not be presumptuous.

She is not qualified, and she also admits that she is a coward.

It was the first time that Gong Yue'er was so hesitant when she grew up so big, she just wanted to shrink back.

He Si could feel the entanglement in Gong Yueer's heart.

He also knew that it would not be a matter of overnight to completely change her decision. The matter in front of them this time did not seem to be that simple.

It's okay, he can wait.

She is the whole world, worth any wait.

He Si retreated to advance, and stood up as soon as he turned over.

"Hey, I won't force you, it's getting late, go back to bed quickly!"

"There's still work to do tomorrow."

The heaviness suddenly disappeared from her body, and Gong Yue'er let out a long breath of relief.

He Si's sudden change also made Gong Yue'er feel a little more grateful. She knew that these were all her problems.

It's her fault.

She failed his affection.

Gong Yueer turned over and was about to leave.

She walked towards the door step by step, and the fiery gaze behind her made every step so difficult for her.

Every step involves pain.

She knew that as long as she walked out of this room today, the relationship between them would be settled.

From then on, they are strangers. He will marry a wife and have children, and will have his own family and children.

As long as she thought that she would witness all this happening as a bystander, it hurt her.

There is a kind of unwillingness.

All of this was originally hers, and she was originally a participant, so why should she give it up to other women.

This is the first time Gong Yue'er has possessive desires for a man.

When I was with Zuo Wei before, I didn't feel this way either.

The possessiveness consumed her sanity.

Gong Yueer, who remained calm at all times and was able to make the calmest and most correct judgments, let sensibility overcome reason for the first time.

She turned around and rushed towards He Si directly.

Without any explanation, he kissed the thin lips of that sexy mark.

It doesn't matter, what if the world collapses, she only wants the beauty of this moment.

Seeing Gong Yueer leave, He Si was actually very reluctant to part with him, but he knew that the future was long and he couldn't wait.

Who knew that his little girl was so domineering, and she made a counterattack.

He was a big man, yet he was teased by a little girl, and he was so happy with it.

In a daze, He Si took the initiative in an instant.

The kiss to her has already tasted the marrow and taste, and I can't extricate myself.

As soon as she got close, he couldn't help himself. What's more, it was the first time he was so active and enthusiastic, how could He Si resist it.

Unwilling to part, the two of them rolled onto the bed before they knew it.

Gong Yue'er went to lift He Si's bath towel with skill.

But He Si reached out and stopped him: "Yueyue, are you sure?"


Gong Yue'er replied coquettishly, and then buried her head in that broad chest.

Very shy.

That hmm is the deadliest temptation in the whole world.

What Liu Xiahui is all fake, unless Liu Xiahui meets a woman.

He Si went crazy, and the kisses fell densely.

The tone of his breathing had already changed, he had already tasted the sweetness last time, how could he control it.

But at the most critical moment, He Si's sanity returned.

He felt Gong Yue'er's determination to see death as home. It was a very beautiful time, but it felt like going to the guillotine.

(End of this chapter)

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