Chapter 240
Since Gong Yue'er taught her a lesson in front of so many people last time, they have become enemies.

The lowered hands clenched into fists.

But thinking that the photos she took last night had been sent to that person, maybe the entire military region now knows what kind of person Gong Yueer is.

It's just a vixen, who even ran to seduce the captain in the middle of the night.

Too shameless.

In order to avoid Gong Yueer's harassment, the captain had no choice but to open another room in the opposite room.

The same is true of Gong Yueer, a woman who has no self-esteem at all.

Knowing that the captain doesn't like her at all, it's really disgusting to be so shameless.

Chen Xia didn't know at all that it wasn't Gong Yueer who came up to her, but the captain who was high in her heart, and anyone who was shameless would come to her.

She is even more shameless and coquettish.

If he knew that He Si was so shameless towards Gong Yue'er, it would probably overturn his image.

After breakfast, a group of them went to Qian's Village in a military vehicle under the leadership of He Si.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the village, the car couldn't drive in.

The last catastrophic flood destroyed all the roads in Qianjiazhuang, and now they are all being rebuilt.

They can only get out of the car and walk into the village.

Unexpectedly, just as a group of them reached the entrance of the village, they were blocked by a group of villagers.

The villagers surrounded them.

"If you kill her, she killed the village head's wife and grandson, and she still has the face to appear here."

"Yes, it's this woman with a vicious conscience. She killed two people. It's really vicious."

"Kill her, kill her."


These people are all here for Gong Yueer, one or two have hideous faces, and they want to tear Gong Yueer's flesh and drink her blood.

Gong Yue'er's face also turned cold.

She was not afraid of being misunderstood, but felt chilled.

What a group of ignorant villagers, who were deceived by that disgusting village chief and had to count money for them.

When the group of villagers appeared, He Si had already stood in front of Gong Yue'er.

"Sir, officer, why do you protect this vicious woman, if it wasn't for her, Shuqin wouldn't have died!"

"Boss, our village is grateful for your life-saving grace, but you shouldn't protect this woman."

"Hand her over."

"A life for a life."

"Yes, life for life should be killed, kill this woman, kill her."

One or two of those villagers were ferocious, holding hoes for daily work in their hands, and their posture was to tear Gong Yueer's body to pieces.

Originally, this incident caused a stir in the entire military region. They all knew that Gong Yue'er had killed someone.

The group of people who were traveling together felt resentful towards Gong Yueer.

If it weren't for Gong Yue'er, they wouldn't be treated like this.

They were soldiers, in the eyes of the common people, they were the saviors. Besides the last rescue operation, these villagers were so grateful to each of them that they almost knelt down to thank them.

Because of Gong Yue'er, their entire team was ashamed.

A teammate who was traveling with him spoke with a bit of mourning: "Captain, if you kill someone, you should hand her over and give the villagers an explanation!"

"Yes, hand over Gong Yueer, we don't have such teammates!"

The appearance of those villagers pushed Gong Yue'er to the target of public criticism.

Hearing the words of her teammates, Gong Yue'er's whole body suddenly turned cold, and a sarcastic smile curled up on the corner of her mouth.

These are her teammates, teammates who can turn their backs on the battlefield.

Haha, what a teammate who shared weal and woe!
(End of this chapter)

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