Chapter 242
The village chief's son was also there.

Looking at each other, Qian Sheng was not only not afraid, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more rippling.

She raised a finger at Gong Yue'er, her eyes full of sarcasm and provocation.

Gong Yue'er accepted the man's provocation, and the corners of her mouth collapsed into a straight line.

I can't wait to end that man with a scalpel.

Simply scum.

This kind of man should be cut into pieces by thousands of knives and thrown into the frying pan, and he acted shamelessly to the extreme.

He Si felt Gong Yueer's change, and stretched out his hand to give her a hand without a trace.

His eyes signaled Gong Yue'er to stay calm.

Only then did Gong Yue'er look away, when she saw He Si's state clearly.

He burst out laughing.

At this time, she laughed, it was simply hatred.

Everyone was in a mess, covered in eggs and rotten leaves and other invisible but stinking things.

Only Gong Yue'er was intact, her smile was full of hatred.

The grief towards Gong Yue'er increased a little.

You Yi pinched Gong Yueer's waist fiercely, and Gong Yueer regained his composure.

Looking at He Si again, her eyes were extremely complicated.

He is the aloof heir of the He family, and he is not being praised by others wherever he goes, and he has never been treated like this.

But because of her, she was treated like this.

Originally, she should bear all this alone, but he took her place.

Even as he said, save her from all hardships.

Very touched, very grateful.

Since she was a child, she has faced it alone, which is why she has created her current character, independent, strong, and courageous.

Because she understands, if she is not strong, who will show her weakness.

Unexpectedly, one day there would be a man who would stand in front of her resolutely, regardless of his identity or other people's eyes.

Gong Yue'er looked at He Si with complicated eyes.

As if receiving Gong Yueer's inner emotions, He Si gave her a soothing look.

It seems to be saying, don't be afraid, I am here.

Then, a group of them went to the village office and sorted it out.

The little ambiguity between He Si and Gong Yue'er will be revealed unintentionally.

Those who accompanied them could feel the strong ambiguity between them.

Especially Zhao Yu, who is simply abusive.

The man she loves is right in front of her eyes, but she is throwing dog food with other women, which makes her face not feel better.

Now He Si is becoming more and more careless, and when he gets to the place, he even openly asks Gong Yueer to clean it up for him.

"Yueyue, go fetch a basin of water!"

"it is good!"

Without further ado, Gong Yueer found a basin and fetched a basin of clean water for He Si to clean up.

She wasn't an awkward person in the first place.

I always feel bad about them.

But after what happened just now, she is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

He Si tightly protected her behind, and anyone with eyes could see the difference between them.

Could she resent He Si?
No, simply do not avoid suspicion.

He Si tidied up and went to the village chief's office.

"Officer He, this is the compiled information, take a look!"

He Si took the documents from the village head and looked down at ten lines.

The expression on his face became more and more gloomy.

These are all evidences that the father and son have embezzled public funds over the years, and they are even involved in gangsters.

Simply inexcusable.

Gong Yueer stood aside, picked up another document and read it.

Seeing this information, Gong Yue'er wanted to kill someone.

It turned out that the pregnant woman's man had already found a woman outside, and the two of them had been in secret for a long time.

In this way, Gong Yueer had a bold guess.

The mother's death was definitely not an accident, even if it wasn't murder, there was something else hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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