The queen's heir husband

Chapter 254: Hades' Reward

Chapter 254: Hades' Reward

He Si had to go over the backlog of documents in the few days after he left, as well as the training results of the soldiers under his command during this period.

You must know what you know.

He raised his head and glanced at Bai Nachuan lightly, then lowered his head and ignored his clamor.

No need to think about it, but Bai Nachuan was the scapegoat for those bastards who withdrew.

This IQ is really impressive.

Seeing that their captain didn't intend to pay attention to him, Bai Nachuan felt more resentment in his heart.

Their captain left a group of them in the army training, and also dropped the assessment standards.

The level of training is simply abnormal.

Much more ferocious than before.

Originally, they were very kind when they saw He Si come back, which indicated that the perverted training during this period was coming to an end.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

Taking advantage of He Si not paying attention to him, Bai Nachuan gave the unscrupulous captain a hard look.

"If you have something to say, if you have a fart, let it go!"

Even if He Si didn't look up, he knew what Bainachuan was doing, and he hated the IQ of this subordinate.

"Captain, aren't you too inhumane? You took your little sister-in-law to romance when you left us in army training."

"How can us single dogs live!"

"If you eat meat, you have to let us have some soup, don't you?"


He Si raised his head, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but that smile shocked Bai Nachuan, and he jumped back a few meters.

"Want some soup?"


Immediately, the smile on the corner of He Si's mouth collapsed into a straight line, and the obsidian-like pupils flashed a gloomy coldness: "Okay, I will swim [-] kilometers with arms tonight, and the score will be included in the assessment!"


"team leader."

Bai Nachuan's expression was even uglier than crying. He said he was about to be assessed.

Today's high-intensity training is over, and it is necessary to swim ten kilometers armed with weapons, which is simply fatal.

"have opinions?"

Bai Nachuan: "Yes, can I have less?"

He Si: "Okay, add [-] push-ups!"


Bai Nachuan was speechless for a while, not daring to speak anymore.

This is simply the wandering King of Hades. If he talks again, their captain may use some tricks to punish them.

The original complaint was unsuccessful, and Bai Nachuan returned to the dormitory with a face full of tears.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, he was surrounded by those scammers.

"How about it, what's the captain's reaction!"

Bai Nachuan's face was very gloomy, but at this moment, he was smiling like a flower. The smile on that dark face made people feel a little panicked.

He has a heart for mischief.

"The captain said that you have performed well in the past few days, and let you all go to receive the prizes!"

"Ah, really!"

"Great, Achuan, I knew that something good would happen if you went out!"

A hint of cunning flashed in Bai Nachuan's eyes: "The captain said that there is no training for half a day off tomorrow!"

Immediately, the whole dormitory was beaming with joy, and they knew that their captain was in a good mood and had benefits.

It is definitely a kindness and a gift to be able to take half a day off.

Just for a moment, Bai Nachuan's face darkened: "That's impossible!"

"Brothers, let's go and swim ten kilometers armed!"

"Five hundred push-ups are the captain's reward"

Everyone who was happy turned into petrification, and the smiles on their faces were also frozen at this moment.

The next moment, one or two wanted to tear up Bainachuan directly.

This shit, I don't know what to say, it turned out to be this kind of result.

Let him go to ask for benefits, and now it's better to ask for such a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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