Chapter 261
In the team, Bainachuan really couldn't play against their group of black-bellied guys, but all the results were good.

Now being slapped naked in the face by other companies, I can't swallow the anger.

Gong Yue'er saw Bai Nachuan's face turned pale with anger, that expressionless face became emotional, and the aura of her whole body became a bit cold.

"Report, I was wronged in this matter. I don't know this female soldier. I didn't pick up the ball of paper under my feet. I didn't unfold it. How did I cheat?"

"I will not accept punishment until the investigation is clear."

"After the investigation is clear, my innocence is returned, and I don't have to be punished!"

Bai Nachuan stood silently, but because Gong Yueer spoke, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

He has been a recruit instructor for so long, and he probably understands the personalities of the soldiers under his command.

This little sister-in-law has a cold personality and never causes trouble.

But the people who provoked her didn't end well. If she didn't make a move, it's fine if she didn't speak.

After understanding the situation just now, this matter is a bit tricky.

I'm afraid that Gong Yue'er won't be bothered to defend herself, so she doesn't care about it at all.

The lieutenant of the company just now taunted him, saying in disguise that they were not good enough for the third company, and he was so angry that he wanted to fight a big fight.

But now I'm not so angry, because it aroused their sister-in-law's desire to fight.

Obviously Gong Yue'er is just a recruit, and obviously her physical ability is still scum, but for some reason, the temperament she exudes in an instant is exactly the same as their captain.

Can be reassuring.

The lieutenant didn't expect Gong Yue'er to argue sophistry at such a time, and his tone was a bit unkind: "You said you didn't cheat if you didn't cheat?"

"She admitted it all, don't quibble"

Gong Yue'er laughed angrily, she had never seen such a conviction before, a shallow smile appeared in those piercingly cold and murderous eyes, blowing like a spring breeze, when the coldness in them The meaning of disdain is obvious enough.

The scorned lieutenant wanted to say something, but Bai Nachuan put his hand on his shoulder, looking like a good brother.

"Brother, since they each say a word, they can't tell what's going on."

"It's better to test them once on the spot!"

Gong Yue'er pursed her lips and didn't say a word, she already knew what Bai Nachuan meant, she was indeed the soldier brought out by that monstrous He Si, with a black belly.

The whole person is also very cunning.

"How to test?"

Bai Nachuan glanced at Gong Yue'er and the female soldier, with a cold light in his eyes, and whispered beside the lieutenant's head for a minute, only to see the lieutenant nodded.

"Let you temporarily take the exam, do you have any opinions?"

Gong Yueer: "No objection."

The female soldier: "Good!"

But it was obvious that she didn't answer with enough momentum, and she felt guilty in her eyes.

This flash of emotion did not escape the eyes of Gong Yue'er and Bai Nachuan at all.

It's a fox that always shows its tail. Look, it's finally showing a little bit.

The lieutenant glanced at the confident Gong Yue'er, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Is it?

Soon he denied his inner thoughts. Isn't it common for a thief to call a thief?

Don't be fooled by appearances.

Evidence has to be produced to prove right and wrong.

Immediately, the two of them brought Gong Yue'er and the others back to the meeting room.

Taking out a blank sheet of paper, Bai Nachuan and the lieutenant wrote questions on it respectively, and made two temporary test papers.

The meaning is obvious, let Gong Yueer and the female soldiers do it together to see who has the highest grade.

 A group of little heartless people, don't just build buildings, remember to recommend tickets, be careful not to send you boyfriends.

(End of this chapter)

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