Chapter 275

Everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't understand why Gong Yueer became so powerful all of a sudden. Those three were the instructors of the three companies.

In the eyes of this group of recruits, they are like gods.

Gong Yue'er, the female soldier, actually picked three.

Gong Yue'er's eyes swept across, as if looking for prey, and those soldiers caught by her eyes couldn't help but back away.

The frightening murderous intent, so cold that it made her soul tremble, was like a net, which was getting tighter and tighter, making it impossible for her to retreat.

I didn't even think about going back.

The female soldier stood there like a statue, eyes full of horror, watching the devilish Gong Yueer walking towards her.

"Go to hell."

Gong Yue'er held the right hand of the scalpel and cut it directly towards the female soldier's throat. There was no possibility of survival from this knife.

But at this critical moment, a pair of big hands suddenly grabbed the scalpel.

The sound of the scalpel like flesh, accompanied by blood flow and pain.

"Yueyue, you can't."

Gong Yueer stared at the man's angry face that turned all living beings upside down, as if returning to the world from purgatory, the bloodthirsty and murderous intent in his eyes faded away like the tide little by little.

Those blood-red eyes suddenly became clear.

Gong Yue'er regained her sanity bit by bit, seeing the man in front of her clearly, her eyes burst with joy.

"You're back?"

"Well, I'm back!"

He Si's voice was low and charming, but full of forbearable anger. His red phoenix eyes stared at Gong Yue'er who was full of anger, and the bottom of his eyes was full of storms, turbulent worship.

It took almost all the strength in his body to suppress the anger in his chest that was about to go berserk.

Gong Yueer woke up and saw that He Si was holding a scalpel in his hand, bleeding profusely.

He was so startled that he quickly let go of his hand, with a guilty conscience in his eyes.

Pursing his lips, he didn't dare to speak, and lowered his head.

Just like a picture of a primary school student doing something wrong, waiting for the departure of the parents.

He Si turned his head and glanced at the few people injured by Gong Yueer, and said lightly, "Treat the wounds first."

"Yes, Captain!"

When Bai Nachuan saw He Si, his eyes burst into joy, and he felt like he was reborn after a catastrophe.

The devil head.

Their little sister-in-law is the female devil, and they have no room to fight back when they are ferocious.

It was simply one-sided abuse.

Immediately, He Si brought Gong Yueer to the office.

He Si sat on the boss chair, and the military doctor was treating the wound on his hand.

Not far away, Gong Yue'er stood in the center of the huge office with her head lowered, her lowered hands tightly holding the corners of her clothes.

It looked pitiful, as if waiting for the punishment of the parents.

That female soldier really made her very angry, with murderous intentions.

This is the second time that Gong Yue'er has the intention to kill someone.

After a while, only He Si and Gong Yue'er were left in the office. He got up and paced back and forth in the office, with a sneer on his lips.

If it weren't for soldiers who had received professional and tough training, ordinary people would not be able to walk out of this step.

Three short and one long, two long and one short.

Immediately, he sat down on the sofa at the side, and soon got up slowly, like a wild leopard just waking up, slowly wading through the huge office.

There is always a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

That momentum, the aura is so powerful that it seems to swallow all the weak.

Gong Yue'er's heartbeat is still the same at this moment, she has always been calm.

It is even more daring and reckless.

But for some reason, she was actually scared at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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