The queen's heir husband

Chapter 279 Yue Gong's Cell Phone

Chapter 279 Yue Gong's Cell Phone
He reached out and fiddled with a certain fruit smartphone in his hand, but within two or three clicks, he broke the password.

Little things like this can't bother him.

Originally, He Si opened it just to contact Yan Yan with Gong Yueer's mobile phone, and wanted Yan Yan to come to the military area to accompany his little girl in the past few days.

Presumably, she didn't want to see him these days.

He also saved himself from being rejected by others in front of her. In fact, the most important thing was his injuries.

If Gong Yue'er hadn't been injured with a scalpel right after he came back, his injuries would not be concealed at all, even though they have been treated and given medicine.

There will still be a faint smell of medicine, if the movement is too large, the wound will open, and the smell of blood will come out, which is even more difficult to hide.

Just as He Si unlocked the phone, a series of messages came in.

Gong Yue'er's phone is in preview mode except that it requires a password when unlocking, and the text message will be displayed on the screen.

"Gong Yueer, the He family doesn't like you, why are you so cheeky?"

"He Si and I have hit it off and are planning to get engaged someday. Stop stalking me."

When He Si saw the news, his whole body turned cold instantly, and he stared at the text message fiercely, those sharp eyes seemed to poke a hole out of the phone.

He clicked into the message inbox.

Those text messages were all about Gong Yue'er's demonstration.

And several selfies.

"Did you see it? This is the bracelet Mrs. He gave me. It's very beautiful, right? I heard it's a cultural relic from the Warring States Period."

"Gong Yueer, why are you shaking me? I advise you to accept your fate."

When He Si saw the bracelet, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart anymore, and all the things on his desk were overturned by him in an instant.

There was a sound of crackling and smashing things.

Bainachuan was summoned by He Si and just walked outside the office wearing a bandage.

Hearing this voice, he was frightened and stood at the door, not daring to go in.

Adjutant Yang Quan, who had been guarding the door, shook his head quickly when he saw Bai Nachuan.

At this moment, Yang Quan's complexion was not very good, and he felt as if he was sitting on a pin when he stood at the door.

Their captain just broke out last night, and tonight is even more angry than last night.

Yesterday, my sister-in-law was there, and their captain knew to hold back a little bit.

But now, all that aura has been released.

Through a door, they could all feel the evil spirit, which showed the extent of the captain's fury.

Originally, if it was only Jin Yili's provocation, He Si would not be so angry.

But when he saw the bracelet, he couldn't calm down anymore.

If others don't know him, how could he not know that bracelet.

That bracelet is indeed an antique. It was a gift to his mother on the day your Excellency became president.

His mother also said that it will be a family heirloom of their He family and will be given to their daughter-in-law in the future.

Now it is actually worn on Jin Yili's hand, the deep meaning is obvious.

There was also the MMS message Jin Yili sent to Gong Yueer for the first time, the picture of him coming out of the shower with only a bath towel around him.

Wen Wan knows how to advance and retreat, the first lady's self-cultivation is unmatched by ordinary people, but that day, she walked into his room without knocking on the door.

Thinking back, He Si's hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and he smashed it directly on the glass of the bookcase.

Immediately, a big hole was smashed into the wall, blood spattered all over his hand, and glass shards got stuck in his hand, but he didn't feel any pain.

His heart hurts a lot more than this.

(End of this chapter)

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