Chapter 285
Does he still dare to raise an opinion?If there is no more stalemate, maybe something will happen.

He was just trying to test the waters, and clicked as far as he could.

Today's reporting work is also very cumbersome, and the delay may not be enough.

Seeing the big secretary compromise, He Si's eyes flashed a gleam.

This is the effect he wants.

Isn't it calculated by each other, every step is his calculation, every move in this chess is very precise.

As long as He Si wanted to calculate people and things, he never made a mistake.

Since your Excellency wants to fight wits and courage with him, he doesn't mind using his brains.

At lunch time, deputy team leader Yang Quan walked in.

The crowd stopped, so He Si led the crowd to the canteen of the military area.

Originally, Gong Yue'er came to the office to fight against He Si's injury, but she was tied up by him that morning.

When it was finally over, she took a deep breath.

"Let's go, let's go together."

The corner of Gong Yue'er's mouth twitched. She really wanted to get angry or refuse directly, but in front of so many people, she didn't.

Nodding her head, she let He Si take her by the hand and go to the cafeteria.

Normally, the relationship between them has not been made public, but I don't know what happened to He Si today.

From the office to the cafeteria, she never let go of her hand. Several times when Gong Yueer wanted to struggle, He Si held her down.

When he arrived at the cafeteria, he let Gong Yue'er sit down, and he went to order food.

This made the entire military region boil.

That unfeminine, male god captain of the entire military region was actually taken down by Gong Yueer, a vixen.

So shocked.

My heart is broken.

Hearing that countless nymphomaniacs had tears in their eyes, they were so angry that they wanted to tear Gong Yue'er apart.

It's a pity that Gong Yue'er was notorious in the military area, no one dared to provoke her.

Especially in Yilian that day, she wounded the instructors of three companies as soon as she made a move.

No one would dare to challenge the displayed strength unless he wanted to die.

At this moment, the canteen is stable.

Men in suits and leather shoes sat on stiff benches in the cafeteria to eat.

On weekdays, wherever they go, they are not big fish and meat, and they are not treated like guests.

Eating in the cafeteria is something that only happens when you are studying.

It's just to experience life, none of them was born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

Now eat in the cafeteria.

The food in the military region is very good, with balanced nutrition.

But no matter how they are matched, they are all food made by the cooking team in the army. Where can the food made by five-star and seven-star hotels be delicious?

They dare not have any complaints yet.

In this world, only the prince dared to treat them like this.

The big secretary's face was very calm, and his eating movements were standard and elegant.

But only he himself knows, like eating bran and swallowing vegetables.

The bottom of my heart is miserable, this is a blow to them.

The crown prince fought with your lordship, and it was them who suffered so much.

However, Gong Yue'er and He Si couldn't talk anymore, neither of them spoke, and their words and deeds were like textbooks.

Gong Yue'er didn't care about etiquette so much on weekdays, following a group of rough men, if he was slow, there would be nowhere to eat.

She didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in He Si's gourd, and she was furious in her heart, but she was very cooperative on the surface.

After lunch, Gong Yueer breathed a sigh of relief.

This can finally be liberated, she has recovered from her illness, and she still has training in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, He Si took her into the office again.

Now, Gong Yue'er was really going crazy.

Where those people couldn't see, she gave He Si a hard look.

 4.2 is more thoughtful, thank you Hu Rui for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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