The queen's heir husband

Chapter 308 Good 1 White Lotus

Chapter 308 What a White Lotus
Every time she came, she was dragged by He Si, and she was still a little reluctant.

Even if Gong Yueer came to this building alone every time, the guards would just turn a blind eye.

This is discrimination.

After the guards finished reporting, they continued to stand guard.

"Miss Jin, Captain He is in a meeting, it will take about half an hour."

"What half an hour?"

Jin Yili couldn't help raising her voice.

The sun made her want to run away violently, but she was not reconciled until He Si was not available.

"Then I'll go inside and wait!"

Jin Yili originally wanted to wait for He Si in the lobby, but was stopped by the guards.

"Miss Jin, a military important place, you should respect yourself."

"I'm just in the lobby."

"Such a big sun."

The guard's hand in front of Jin Yili did not loosen at all, and his face was expressionless, just like a robot listening to Chong's instructions.

Jin Yili was so angry that she stepped hard on the guard's military boots.

Turn around and leave.

Looking at the back of Jin Yili leaving angrily, the guard's thoughts were far away.

It was rumored in the military area that the female soldier fell out of favor, and the captain moved on.

He doesn't think so.

When the female soldier came to the office building, the captain told her that there was no need to notify her and let her in.

No shyness at all.

This young lady of the Jin family, whom everyone was optimistic about, was stopped outside. It can be seen that in the captain's heart, there is a huge disparity in status.

At this moment, where is He Si in a meeting?

Instead, sit in a chair, sulking.

The ashtray was full of cigarette butts, and I was in a bad mood.

In the past, He Si didn't have much addiction to cigarettes, and he only smoked one or two when he was upset. They were special forces, and they couldn't have any smell on their bodies.

Sometimes, the smell of smoke can also be deadly.

But since he met Gong Yue'er, his addiction to smoking has become more and more serious.

Jin Yili was not happy to come here at this time, she asked for it on her own.

Really took myself seriously.

In He Si's eyes, she was just a stepping stone.

He Si didn't feel any guilt, he was cold-blooded, and this matter was simply willing to fight and suffer.

If Jin Yili had no unreasonable thoughts about him and didn't want to sit in that seat, she wouldn't lie in this muddy water.

For a man standing at the center of power, anyone and anything can be a stepping stone.

He Si is also cold-blooded and good at calculating.

However, his calculations are also divided.

It depends on whether the other party is worth his calculations. He is a businessman and politician, only looking for profit.

Even his favorite, Gong Yueer, he is still calculating.

But this calculation is not the other calculation.

He calculated Gong Yue'er because he wanted to get her, on the premise of not hurting her, and to make their relationship better and stronger.

Gong Yueer is the only woman who can make He Si work so hard for a woman.

Half an hour later, Jin Yili appeared in the office building again.

Still blocked outside.

This time, He Si didn't keep Jin Yili waiting for a long time, and quickly walked out from inside.

But he wasn't for Jin Yili.

Estimating the time, his little girl finished training and it was time to eat.

Although the little boy has no conscience and always vomits blood in anger, he still eagerly moves forward.

When she was growing up, she couldn't bear to starve her.

Originally, she disliked that Gong Yue'er was too thin. Although she wasn't thin where she should be, she couldn't be hungry.

Sacrifice is necessary for one's own welfare and feel.

Seeing Gong Yueer walking in with a cold face, Jin Yili smiled lightly and spoke.

"Yueyue, you are finally here."

"Whatever you want to eat, Asi asked the cafeteria master to make it."

 The 4.8 update is completed, and the patch is also completed.I want a wave of tickets, thank you for the reward, "The Chocolate You Want" and "Hu Rui"

(End of this chapter)

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