The queen's heir husband

Chapter 314 Acting Alone

Chapter 314 Acting Alone
"Why howling, you are still a dog."

The female soldier was still a little afraid of You Yi, and didn't dare to really quarrel with You Yi.

She dared to step on Gong Yue'er, but it's because everyone doesn't like Gong Yueer now.Besides, with Miss Jin in charge, Gong Yue'er didn't dare to do anything to her.

Entertainment is different.

This gave Jin Yili another chance to be a good person, just when Jin Yili was about to speak up to be a peacemaker.

Gong Yueer interrupted her.

"It just so happens that I don't want to be a captain either."

"Let Miss Jin be the captain!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Yue'er turned her head and glanced at You Yi beside her, and said lightly, "Let's go."

"it is good!"

Gong Yue'er had originally made up her mind to act alone, but she didn't have the kindest intentions to lead such a group of people out of the deep mountains and old forests.

You Yi followed Gong Yueer and left without saying a word.

Jin Yili saw Gong Yueer leave, and a trace of displeasure flashed in her eyes.

She came to these field trainings for the sake of Gong Yueer. She was not happy to find Gong Yueer, in order to hold down Gong Yueer's footsteps so that she could not get out of the woods and complete the task.

Finally packed up and taken home.

Who would have thought that after saying a word or two, she would act alone, which would be contrary to her original intention.

"Yueyue, don't be angry, since the instructor made you the captain, you are the captain."

"I'm not as good as you."

"It's just bickering, don't take it seriously."


Jin Yili glanced at the female soldier who was taunting Gong Yueer, and patted the female soldier on the shoulder reassuringly.

"This is your fault. Yueyue is the captain chosen by the instructor. If you question Yueyue, you are questioning the instructor."

"A team needs to be united."

The female soldier opened her mouth, wanting to say something, seeing Jin Yili shaking her head and doing so.

"Go, apologize to Yueyue, she will forgive you."

Gong Yue'er walked in front, and turned her head with a sarcastic smile, which was full of provocation and disdain.

"Jin Yili, you're not tired of pretending."

"Don't pretend to be kind, I won't accept an apology."

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Gong Yue'er took You Yi directly to the depths of the forest without turning her head.

Leave everyone else behind.

You Yi hurriedly followed Gong Yue'er's pace, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes: "Yueyue, if we just leave them like this, will there be any danger?"

Gong Yueer shook her head: "It's okay, I've checked the map, and there are no wild animals around."

"When they are in danger, there are people who save them."

Gong Yue'er guessed right, there was infrared surveillance on each of them, and the commander-in-chief knew where they were.

Safety is absolutely guaranteed.

You Yi didn't speak anymore, and followed Gong Yue'er in the deep mountains and old forests.

She found that Gong Yue'er was able to move freely in this tropical rainforest.

If Gong Yue'er hadn't slowed down on purpose, she wouldn't even be able to keep up with her.

Ye Luzi is like returning to his own home.

After walking for a while, You Yi finally realized something was wrong, and said quickly: "Yueyue, this is not the route on the map."

Gong Yue'er stopped in her tracks and looked at You Yi with a half-smile.

"Finally found out? I thought you wouldn't find out until after tonight."

You Yi gave Gong Yue'er a hard look, but said nothing.

This girl was obviously making fun of her for being slow, she was cold in front of outsiders, but she was merciless when teasing her.

"I've found a shortcut that will take me out of the woods in four days."

(End of this chapter)

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