The queen's heir husband

Chapter 316 Danger Comes

Chapter 316 Danger Comes
There are at least 20 red dots approaching the depths of the forest, heading for that dangerous place.

Now they were dumbfounded.

There are really people who choose to take this shortcut in spite of their lives.

The worry at the beginning turned into expectation, and they all expected to be their own soldiers.

Such a soldier must be a malleable talent with courage, brains, and the courage to take risks.

Bored, the captains began to bet on whose pawn was under their command.

He Si sat there without saying a word, he knew from the bottom of his heart.

Three-quarters of them are people under his command, and he is very clear about the nature of the soldiers he brings out.

It would be strange not to go that way.

That night, a group of people were eliminated.

Some of those people lost their way, some were injured, and some gave up voluntarily.

Those who were eliminated were directly sent back to their original troops.

This is the first round of assessment, and those who fail will be sent back to the original unit.

The captain of the second company every year gritted his teeth when he saw the group of eliminated people.

Most of them are soldiers sent out by them.

Who didn't know that the team led by He Si didn't belong to any military region at all. Although it was also a soldier, it was the most special soldier.

One or two ranks are not high, and even captain He Si is only a colonel rank.

But such a team headquarters with not many people is comparable to a magic soldier.

A dozen or twenty people can fight alone, and can destroy a company with both.

They all hope that their company can produce such talents, which is definitely the pride of the entire company.

And they have selfish motives.

If they are selected, they are asking people back, and then they can improve the combat level of the entire company.

Night fell quickly, and Gong Yueer and You Yi just arrived at the center.

Crossing a river, they came to the place of the river.

The camouflage uniforms on the two of them were already terribly dirty, and some places were still tattered.

Shuttle in the jungle is also a physical work.

Although Gong Yue'er's physical strength has improved a lot, she is still no match for Youyi.

When she stopped, she was visibly out of breath.

At this moment, she was a little furious, hating her physical scum.

Poor physical fitness limited her to a great extent.

She has worked very hard, but she is still not as good as Youyi.

"Yueyue, shall we rest here for a while?"

Seeing that Gong Yueer's physical energy was exhausted too quickly, You Yi wanted to stop and let Gong Yueer rest.

Gong Yue'er walked up to You Yi, shook her head, and categorically refused.

"No, we have to hurry up, it's dark, it's dangerous here."

"I remember that there was a river in front of us, and we went to the river and pitched tents to rest."

"but you"

"It's okay, I can hold on for a while."


Gong Yueer's decision will not be changed easily, You Yi knows her very well, so she has no excuses

The two moved slowly in the center of the forest.

After about 10 minutes, Gong Yueer suddenly heard a rustling sound.

The expressionless face suddenly darkened.

Her sharp eyes shot towards the place where the sound came from. At this moment, Gong Yue'er's eyes were too sharp, like a sword out of its sheath.

Youyi also heard the sound.

Her figure was faster than Gong Yue'er, and quickly ran towards the place where the sound came from.

Looking through the grass, he was obviously relieved.

"Yueyue is a rabbit!"

"Careful, don't move"

The rustling sound rang out again, this time it was obviously near the entertainment, and it was obviously not the sound made by the rabbit.

Kind of like some kind of reptile.

By the time Youyi saw what it was, it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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