Chapter 323

Yang Quan didn't explore which path Gong Yue'er took, because it didn't matter.

He just needs to wait for her at the finish line.

Here, Gong Yueer and You Yi walked very hard. Gong Yueer's physical fitness is scum, and she would waste a lot of energy to open the way.

But if it is broken, she will not be able to bear it.

Obviously her physical energy was almost exhausted, but she kept a straight face and said nothing.

You Yi didn't ask Gong Yueer if she wanted to rest.

On the battlefield there is no need for sympathy, no need for pity.

That would be fatal.

When you can't hold on, it's time to break through the limit.

Suddenly, Gong Yueer and You Yi heard a loud commotion in the woods.

Such a big movement is not like a ferocious animal, but like a human.

The two looked at each other, then leaned towards the quiet place.

When seeing those people, Gong Yue'er laughed angrily.

It turned out to be someone from her group.

People who shouldn't have appeared here actually appeared in this place.

One or two had lost the vigor of yesterday, and looked like a refugee group.

"Who, who is where!"

When Chen Xia heard the movement, she raised the rifle in her hand and fired two shots in the direction where Gong Yueer was hiding.

I saw Gong Yueer walking out of the bushes.

The face was terribly gloomy.

After disappearing for a day, when they saw Gong Yueer, the emotions in their eyes became a little complicated.

Jin Jinxin supported Jin Yili and sat on the root of a big tree beside her.

At this moment, Jin Yili was in a state of embarrassment, and she had already lost the vigor of a young lady, and her delicately made-up face was scratched several times by the thorns of the past.

Blood can be seen vaguely.

Sensing Gong Yueer's gaze, Jin Yili's eyes flashed unnaturally.

He gave Gong Yue'er a hard look, but his tone was still calm: "Yueyue, where have you been?"

"We've been looking for you all day. In the jungle, there are dangers everywhere, and I'm worried about you."

White Lotus began to play again.

But, they followed her way.

In just one or two sentences, all the blame was directed at Gong Yue'er.

It made them extremely angry, and the eyes they looked at Gong Yueer were also full of resentment.

"Gong Yueer, do you know unity or not? This is a team achievement."

"You don't want to stay alone anymore, don't implicate us."

"In order to find you, we were almost bitten by a poisonous snake."

"It's really a broom star."

Gong Yue'er laughed angrily, she raised her eyes lightly, the big black eyes under the brim of the hat were full of sharpness, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more ironic.

There was no emotion in the indifferent voice, but she didn't give anyone a chance to breathe when she opened her mouth.

"I let you find it?"

"Now that you know how to record team results, do you recognize me as the captain?"

"I'm afraid you should listen to her more. If you don't agree with each other, don't conspire with each other."

"It's good to get together and get away..."

Unexpectedly, not only did Gong Yue'er fail to realize her mistake, and not only did she not have the slightest bit of remorse, but she was also so righteous.

Jin Jinxin also became angry: "Gong Yueer, you are not so proud, you are simply a wolf-hearted dog."

"Leave her alone, let's find the exit, and it's not our fault that the captain pursued it."

"it is good!"

"that's it."

They decided so happily, and completely broke with Gong Yue'er.

This made Gong Yue'er happy, and saved her trouble.

Sitting there, Jin Yili wanted to persuade everyone, but Jin Jinxin stopped her in time.

"Sister, don't intercede for her. She has no heart at all, and she won't appreciate it."

(End of this chapter)

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