The queen's heir husband

Chapter 331 The Wild Leopard Becomes a Slave

Chapter 331 The Wild Leopard Becomes a Slave
Seeing Gong Yue'er's changed face, He Si held it there without moving, still fiddling with the rabbit meat in his hands.

His heart was miserable, what could he say?
Normally, although Enkesi was active in this generation, it was usually in the hinterland. If Yang Quan and the others encountered this big cat, they would go around it.

They all knew that this big cat was their captain's pet, so naturally it wouldn't hurt.

Who knew that his little girl would go in this direction, so she met this big cat without dying.

Encountered, it’s actually okay, Enkes is well-trained, and it hardly bites on its own initiative.

Unless Hoss ordered it.

Gong Yue'er was so angry that she almost ran away, her face became darker and darker.

The big cat of emotion is simply released to scare people, so what are she and Youyi doing?
Waste of time with a big cat.

What else could they do when they thought that this big cat was guarding them under the big tree, looking like it would never die.

If you don't waste it, spend all your time with this big cat, and there is no need for any assessment.

Either fight or surrender.

She and You Yi's personalities are very similar, and she will never be a coward, so there is only one choice, and that is to stand.

Seeing He Si's attitude, Gong Yueer laughed angrily.

Is it her fault?
When a woman makes trouble for no reason, anything can be a reason.

Seeing Gong Yueer so angry, He Si naturally couldn't bear it.

Subconsciously, he said softly: "Okay, let's eat."

"Eat and sleep well."

Gong Yue'er turned her head and ignored He Si, but she wanted to eat meat, and she would never treat herself badly even if she was waiting for sleep.

Immediately, he tore off a rabbit and started eating.

Don't forget to give the other rabbit leg to Youyi, it's not for nothing.

Seeing the angry look of her little girl, He Si evoked a smile on her indifferent face, like a spring breeze.

Why is his little girl so cute?

She's so cute even when she's angry.

Gong Yue'er is really irritable and hurt so badly. Her thought at the moment is very simple, that is, eat as hard as she can, finish the rabbit meat, and definitely not leave it to this angry man.

But Gong Yue'er's actions, no matter whether they fell into the eyes of You Yi or He Si, were childish and extremely cute.

Gong Yue'er would only show this side in front of He Si.

You can see all the entertainment on the side.

Can't help but start to sigh.

The complicated relationship between Gong Yue'er and the captain did not know whether it was good or bad for Yueyue. Although Yueyue didn't admit it with her mouth, she didn't admit it in her heart.

But some things are really clear to the authorities.

She is different only in front of the captain.

Only then will she show her innocence and childishness, and those emotions that have been restrained by her will be subconsciously released.

"Enke hiss."

He Si didn't move. He watched Gong Yueer and You Yi eat. Seeing that a rabbit was about to finish eating, his eyes were full of doting smiles, and he quickly asked Enkesi to hunt again.

It's a pity that such a wild leopard, who is clearly the king of the forest, has turned into a hunting leopard.

But this leopard hadn't realized anything yet, so he was very happy.

But in the blink of an eye, he came over with another hare in his mouth.

After laying down, it went hunting other animals.

There is a feeling of pleasing He Si.

The little girl in his family ignored him at all, and didn't even give him a look, but she ate happily, which made the heart of a dignified captain soften to the extreme.

Enke hissed the hunted prey, and Hoss cleaned it up while roasting food for them.

(End of this chapter)

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