The queen's heir husband

Chapter 355 Open the coffin

Chapter 355 Open the coffin

Afterwards, Gong Yue'er helped Grandma Gong, and He Si helped Grandpa Gong to sit on one side.

The atmosphere of the whole mourning hall is a bit weird.

It's not very sad, but it's a bit like three trials.

Li Shanshan covered her face and wept, while Gong Luya stood there crying silently, looking heartbroken.

Gong Yue'er, on the other hand, didn't shed a single tear, she was very indifferent.

Everyone in the world knows that although the eldest daughter of the Gong family has a stunning face, she is indeed a cruel and unscrupulous woman, beautiful on the outside and poisonous on the inside, she can be called a femme fatale.

Her eyes were so indifferent that no one could match her. Even when her biological father passed away, she didn't shed a single tear. It was simply inadvertent.

Mr. Gong glanced at Li Shanshan and asked.

"People who are doing well during the Chinese New Year, why don't they just disappear?"

Li Shanshan cried louder and louder. The whole mourning hall was filled with her miserable voice, but she was really heartbroken.

Immediately, she raised her head and looked at Gong Yueer fiercely, staring at Gong Yueer like a hungry wolf, ready to tear her into pieces at any time.

"Dad, it's not good to be a daughter-in-law. She didn't educate her well."

"That's why she was disobedient, unfilial, and lawless, and finally pissed Xun Jun to death."

"God, why don't you take me away too."

Pa, Mr. Gong slapped the table next to him directly. The sound was so loud that everyone gasped.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being an old soldier. Even though he is old, his momentum is still compelling.

"Making it up."

'It's just a mouthful of nonsense'

"Dad, I didn't, I really didn't. When Xunjun received the call, he collapsed out of breath and never got up again."

"The other party said that Gong Yue'er, an unfilial daughter, was lawless in the army. She even stabbed people and beat Miss Jin to the hospital."

Li Shanshan spoke clearly, as if Gong Xunjun was really mad at Gong Yueer.

Facing the splashed sewage, Gong Yue'er did not react, but Grandma Gong disagreed.

He swears directly.

"Fart, Yueyue is usually well-behaved and sensible, and she is also the most filial, even if she is naughty for a while, so what, no child has a rebellious period."

"You can splash dirty water."

"Why, bullying my family, Yueyue, my mother died early, and now that Xunjun has gone, no one is protecting her? Let me tell you, the Gong family still has our old couple here."

"It's your turn to be the master."

No one expected that the old man and the old lady of the Gong family would have such an attitude towards their daughter-in-law. This was simply a big show, which was unexpected.

Before Li Shanshan could refute, Mr. Gong spoke up.

"Come on, open the ice coffin for me!"


Mr. Gong wanted to open the ice coffin to see his son, but no one dared to stop him.

If this matter is done by another person, the result will be different.

The funeral home staff who had been waiting at the side hurried to open the ice coffin, and old man Gong called Gong Yue'er.

"Yueyue, let's go."

"Your father loves you the most in his life, and he also worries about you the most. Go and have a look, talk to him, and let him go away with peace of mind."

"it is good."

Gong Yue'er replied with a cry.

At first I thought she was alone, but when I looked back, I realized that there were still many people who loved her and supported her silently behind her all the time.

Even if she was splashed with dirty water, even if everyone didn't understand her and misunderstood her, they never left her and never gave up on her.

Gong Yueer walked towards the ice coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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