Chapter 368
The dean has seen countless people and is over half a hundred years old, but when he met He Si, he felt a chilling feeling.

Under the gaze of those eyes, those little calculations and little secrets of his seemed to be split open, and there was nowhere to find them.

"Master Si, I received a call from Secretary Xu the day before yesterday"

The dean spoke tentatively, wanting to see He Si's reaction.

He didn't know that He Si's face didn't change at all, and even those eyes didn't show the slightest emotion.

He said softly, "The dean calls me by my name, or Officer He is fine too."

He Si avoided the important and ignored the trivial, so that the dean had no idea what He Si was thinking.

Just tell the truth.

"Secretary Xu asked about Mr. Gong's situation."


He Si just squeezed out a single tone from his nasal cavity, and didn't answer, but just said that he heard it.

"I'm telling the truth."

"I see."

Why did the dean tell He Si these things? Both of them knew it well and didn't point it out.

Some topics are only suitable for point-and-shoot.

He Si changed the subject, and asked directly, "How long can Granny Gong last?"

"I can't wake up, I'm hanging oxygen, there's no problem."

"What about the old man?"

The dean watched He Si's expression carefully, and then he gave up.

To see emotions other than indifference in this heir is simply a fantasy.

"Time is not long, the old man has no desire to survive at all, and he is hanging on"

"I guess they are waiting for something."

He Si nodded to show that he understood, then got up and left.

The Dean sighed and shook his head.

It's really frustrating when something like this happens.

The first heir is also a person of flesh and blood, and he didn't give up on the eldest daughter of the Gong family even at this time.

If it was someone else, he would have to find someone who was well-matched and who could help him in his career.

In fact, in Yanjing, all the politicians had their eyes on He Si.

Regarding the relationship between He Si and Gong Yueer, everyone has mixed opinions.

Some people think that He Si is too impulsive, doesn't know how to plan for himself, and may not be able to achieve great things in the future.

However, the vast majority of people are admirable, and such leaders are worth following.

You will not be blinded by interests, and you will not change your original intention.

The two forces have been extremely active during this period of time, and they are both targeting each other fiercely.

He Si didn't pay attention to it now, he was constantly thinking about it.

Coming out of the dean's office, he didn't go to the ward, but went downstairs and sat in the park of the hospital for a while.

Cigarette butts piled up underfoot.

Mr. Gong is already at the end of his strength, and I'm afraid it won't take much time.

Mrs. Gong's situation is even worse. Now she is a living dead. As long as the oxygen tube is pulled out, she may die at any time.

Although they have long been mentally prepared.

But He Si was still worried that Gong Yue'er would not be able to bear it.

He wanted to delay his original plan to go to country H.

Undecided about making a decision, he was never an indecisive person, but when it comes to Gong Yueer's matter, it's a different matter, simply caring will lead to chaos.

After a while, He Si made several phone calls before making a decision.

Next, Dongfang Yun, Nan Gongkuo and the others will take turns to accompany Gong Yueer in the hospital, and Yan Yan will never leave. As long as Gong Yueer is in the hospital, she will stay with her as long as possible.

He Si rushed to country H that night to pursue the mysterious hanging technique Gu.

On the third day after He Si left, he received a call from Nangong Kuo.

"Brother, Mr. Gong seems to be dying, and his condition is deteriorating extremely."

(End of this chapter)

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