The queen's heir husband

Chapter 375 Her Life Experience

Chapter 375 Her Life Experience
He Si nodded, and after dinner, Gong Yueer took him to the largest central bank in the country of Yan.

That key is the key to the safe.

According to the number of the key, they found the corresponding safe.

Opening the safe, Gong Yueer was dumbfounded, there were a lot of gold bars inside.

The golden light is very dazzling.

Seeing so many gold bars, Gong Yue'er didn't react at all. Growing up in a family like the Gong's, she already had immunity to money.

A folder on the gold bar attracted Gong Yueer's attention.

She reached out and took out the folder, which contained several documents.

There is Mr. Gong's application for marriage in the army, and he has the oldest marriage certificate.

There are two survivors.

The first will was written by Grandma Gong and Grandpa Gong. After their death, all their property will belong to Gong Yueer.

A list of all properties under the name is attached.

Those companies that are familiar in Yanjing are actually owned by the Gong family, and Mr. Gong holds more than 50.00% of the shares.

In the hands of his father Gong Xunjun, the most shares are only about 20.00%.

There is also a will, which is actually Gong Xunjun's will. In the will, all the property is divided into three parts.

A part was given to Li Shanshan and Gong Luya, a part was given to Gong Yueer, and a part was donated to the orphanage.

Gong Yue'er and Li Shanshan shared their property equally, and there was no preference for anyone.

Seeing this will, Gong Yueer narrowed her eyes.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

If this will is a real will, then the will that Li Shanshan presented is forged and fake.

In fact, seeing this will had a great impact on Gong Yueer.

It's not about money, but about her status in old man Gong's heart.

He didn't favor Gong Luya, but their mother and daughter only got a share.

There is also a letter, that letter is written on vellum, and it is very old.

When Gong Yueer opened the kraft paper and saw the content on it, she was stunned.

It was a letter from her mother.

Because of her special status, her life could be in danger at any time, so when Gong Yueer was born, she wrote such a letter to Gong Yueer.

The first sentence is "My dear daughter, when you read this letter, your mother has become a natural star to protect you."

"Don't be sad, don't be sad, mom just went to another world."

At the end of the letter, she actually talked about a relationship between her and old man Gong. It mentioned that there was a daughter of a family who liked her father very much.

They even used all means to get him, stalking him.

Her mother was very distressed, but she didn't know what to do.

The Gong family obviously didn't agree with them being together, even if they gave birth to a daughter, they didn't agree with it and despised her background.

She knew that as long as she told them her real identity, the Gong family would not dislike her, but she didn't.

Before she was 23 years old, she could not tell the people around her her identity. This was the rule of that big family.

The daughter, before the age of 23, must live an ordinary life, and the son, especially, cannot return to the family until the age of 30, so that he can use the family's financial, material and human resources.

He Si also saw this letter, and the content of this letter shocked him too much.

family?A hidden family?
It is a family that does not belong to any country, and even surpasses some suzerain countries.

In front of such a hermit family, what are the eight major families?
(End of this chapter)

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