Chapter 399
"Open the door, open the door!"

A loud knock on the door woke up the two people on the bed.

Gong Yueer suddenly sat up from the bed.

She turned her head, the slender figure in her eyes made her breath stagnant, and her brows were slightly frowned.

"Good, wake up"

"If you don't get up, they should rush in"

Afterwards, the man got out of bed and got up slowly to get dressed, with an upside-down smile on his face.

That feeling is like walking with a glance of the wind.

Gong Yue'er picked up the sheet and wrapped herself tightly almost reflexively, but was extremely angry because of He Si's attitude.

"He Si, you bastard."

Hearing this, He Si frowned instantly, and then the corner of his mouth raised a shallow arc.

"Yes, I'm an asshole, I'm a big asshole."

"Hey, I'll only be an asshole to you from now on."
Gong Yue'er was out of breath, her mind was blank, she got up the pillow on the bed, and slammed it towards He Si viciously.

At this moment she finally understood.

What Chinese medicine, what antidote.

What the hell, she was plotted by this man, and she was completely cheated.

Very good, very good, kind enough.

If it weren't for the knock on the door, Gong Yue'er would not have reacted yet.

Originally, she was willing to do everything, but at this moment she was extremely angry, and the feeling of being calculated was like a dog.

At this moment, Gong Yue'er was in a hurry, and really wanted to pick up the machine gun and shoot the man in front of him with a wicked smile.

You have to beat him into a honeycomb eye.

Seeing Gong Yueer's angry appearance, the smile on He Si's face widened, and it was so bright.

Jump upside down.

This kind of smile can sink in just one glance.

"Smile, don't laugh"

"Okay, okay, I don't smile anymore, I'm just happy, happy."

Although Gong Yue'er was very angry, it didn't hinder the warmth in the room at all.

Between two people, that kind of strong emotion will always be revealed between the lines, every word and deed, every eye and smile.

Get too full and you can't help but overflow.

But the door of the room is not the same thing.

Mrs. Jin knocked hard on the hotel door.

"Lily, open the door, open the door quickly."

"Lily, I'm Mommy."

Gong Yue'er was a little familiar with the excited voice outside the door, and frowned slightly.


Under He Si's flattering smile, Gong Yueer immediately understood what was going on.

Officer He used traditional Chinese medicine last night, and the person who prescribed the medicine was from the Jin family.

Obviously this Lily is Jin Yili, and the person knocking on the door is Jin Yili's mother, Mrs. Jin?

Thinking of this, the answer is ready to come out.

The danger and the people involved made Gong Yue'er feel lingering fear.

I am afraid that this cannot be done without the handwriting of His Excellency the President.

After all, in the Great Yan Kingdom, no one who dared to blatantly plot an heir had yet been born, so what if the Jin family belonged to the Eight Great Families.

Offending the He family can also ruin the family overnight.

Your Excellency the President actually calculated his son like this.

Good strategy, good courage, good calculation.
This made Gong Yue'er have to sigh, the man beside her is really a black-bellied master.

In terms of calculations, He Si said that he was second, and absolutely no one would dare to be number one.

In a game of chess, he took everyone into account, including her.

He is the sure winner.

Gong Yueer looked up at He Si, struggling a little.

But in reality, she has to be forced to go crazy. Does she still have a way out now?

(End of this chapter)

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