The queen's heir husband

Chapter 417 All the belongings are here

Chapter 417 All the belongings are here
Is this man planning and calculating something again?

Because I was afraid of being calculated, I had to be on guard.

Seeing that Gong Yueer was silent and did not speak, He Si thought his little girl was so happy that she was silly.

The smile on the corner of his mouth widened more and more, and it was extremely charming.

"Come on girl, let me show you something"

As he spoke, Hoss took over the black bag that he had screwed in.

Then open the bag and pour out all your stuff.

When Gong Yue'er looked at Du Yiso's ID, she looked stupid.

Pick up a certificate and open it, party member card?
Then I picked up the other ones and opened them. The middle school graduation certificate, university graduation certificate, party member certificate, English CET-[-] certificate, real estate certificate, and even the member certificate from junior high school were all in it.

Looking at so many documents, Gong Yue'er's mouth twitched.

She can guarantee that all instructor He's life certificates are on this sofa. Counting down the big and small ones, there are dozens of them.

She picked up one of the real estate certificates and looked at it.

A courtyard house on the first ring road of Yanjing.

This thing is so rich, but the valuation of the courtyard house is already sky-high, let alone the other properties.

Gong Yueer looked up at He Si, waiting for his explanation.

With a smile on the corner of He Si's mouth, he said softly, "Girl, this is all my wealth, and I leave it to you."

"How to deal with it, you can figure it out, I don't care."

"Of course, not only these things belong to you, but also mine."

Gong Yue'er finally understood what He Si meant, and softly uttered two words: "Betroth gift?"

At this moment, she thought of the news that He Si just said that they were getting married on May 20th, and then put these things in front of her eyes, whether it was a dowry gift or something.

He Si laughed lightly: "Girl, so you hate marriage so much."

"It even reminds me of a bride price."

Gong Yue'er ignored He Si's joke, and looked at him straight, waiting for his answer.

He Si reached out and touched Gong Yue'er's head with a look of doting.

"Of course this is not a betrothal gift, how could the He family's betrothal gift be so chilling?"

"These are all my personal belongings. We are getting married. Of course, I have to hand over all my things to you for safekeeping. The wife is the housekeeper, so the family is stable."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll sell it to you and keep it for myself?"

"As long as you are happy, if it is given to you, it is yours."

"Of course, there's one thing you can't sell, and that's me. I can only be yours."

Gong Yue'er didn't speak, but gave He Si a hard look. This man is everywhere.

Obviously it is a very touching side, obviously she is full of touching and heart-warming, but because of this unsightly words, she loses her mood in an instant.

Gong Yue'er did not pretend to be reserved like other women did.

Instead, he just put away those things and took them for himself.

Since I gave it to her, don't take it for nothing.

This is the sincerity that a man should show.

I remember she saw this sentence on a certain Weibo, which roughly means that a man who is willing to spend money for you may not necessarily love you, but a man who is not willing to spend money for you must not love you.

Money is the embodiment of loving someone.

He Si saw that Gong Yue'er put away all those things, and he was happy physically and mentally, with a smile on his face all the time.

But who knows, the little girl in his family only has those books in her eyes.

She flipped through them one by one, and then categorized them one by one.

When I saw those real estate certificates and bank passbooks, my eyes lit up.

Those zeros can't be counted.

(End of this chapter)

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