The queen's heir husband

Chapter 439 Taking advantage of boyfriend not at home, go out wandering

Chapter 439 Taking advantage of boyfriend not at home, go out wandering

"Old husband!"

A coquettish, intermittent, shy cry with a bit of embarrassment made He Si's back straighten.

A trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

He raised his head suddenly, and he didn't care if his eyes were red at the moment, or how shocked and unbelievable Gong Yueer would be when he saw his appearance at the moment.

His eyes were red like this, and he looked at Gong Yue'er sharply.

The gaze was straight, not letting go of any expression on her face.

Gong Yue'er turned her head and didn't look at He Si.

The gaze that fell on her face was too hot, which made her very uncomfortable and blushed instantly.

Lips pursed into a line.

"Hey, what did you call me?"

"Yueyue, call again, hurry up, call again."

Being looked at by He Si like this, Gong Yue'er was so embarrassed that she couldn't scream.

When He Si couldn't see her, she felt embarrassed and screamed with difficulty. Now that he was staring at him like a hungry wolf, she couldn't scream anymore.

Gong Yueer shook her head.

A trace of disappointment flashed in He Si's eyes.

But he is sure that it was definitely not an auditory hallucination just now, the little girl in his family really called him husband.

Just when He Si thought that it was impossible for him to hear it.

Gong Yue'er buried her head in He Si's chest, and called softly again: "Husband"

He Si really heard this sound.

That shy and embarrassed look made He Si love him so much.

He pursed his lips and smiled like a child.

He lowered his head and placed a deep kiss on Gong Yue'er's hair: "Good girl, my good girl"

The next moment, He Si worked even harder in order to express his excitement.

Perhaps the moon outside also felt the passion in the house, and quickly hid.

This night is very special, this night is very warm.

Gong Yueer woke up at noon the next day.

He reached out to touch the side of the bed, it was already cold, and Gong Yue'er didn't know when Xiaoguan He left.

Turning around, he took the phone on the bedside table, and there was a note left by Officer He lying on it.

"Honey, I put breakfast on the table. I have something to do with the army. I'll take care of it first."

"You wait for me to come back obediently."

"Love your husband"

Last night, the relationship between Gong Yueer and He Si seemed to have taken another qualitative leap. He Si called Gong Yueer more intimately, directly calling him his wife.

However, it is not a few days before they get married.

May [-]th, I love you oath, this day is definitely a good time to get the certificate.

Gong Yue'er got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. When she saw herself in the mirror, she was covered in crimson spots all over her body.

Almost screamed.

These are the traces of the intense battle last night.

Especially on the neck, how could she go out to meet people?

In the past few days, she still has important things to do, and the mess of the Gong family should be cleaned up.

When I went downstairs, the breakfast on the dining table was already cold.

At this point, I don't know if it's lunch or dinner.

After eating, Gong Yueer made a phone call and went out.

She went to a well-known lawyer's firm in Yanjing, and then took a famous lawyer with her to quit the Gong's company.

Knowing that the widow in Li Shanshan's hand was a fake one, and she was really lying in the bank's safe, Gong Yueer didn't intend to make the will public.

This is too cheap for Li Shanshan and Gong Luya.

She wants to make them lose what they have now little by little, so that they will never recover.

(End of this chapter)

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