Chapter 453
Fortunately, there was no injury this time, and it was intact.

If he was hurt, his anger would not be so simple.

But the little girl must be beaten. In order to make his little girl more obedient and behaved, he really tried his best.

He Si didn't know at all, if Xia Ke and the group of people who were beaten up by Gong Yueer knew what he was thinking at the moment.

Knowing his worry about Gong Yue'er.

There will definitely be a group call for injustice.

His little girl is not a coquettish and weak woman who needs protection.

It's a demon at all.

As soon as she makes a move, she can instantly kill everyone, and she has always been unilaterally abusing.

How did Gong Yueer become a helpless girl when she came to school officer He?
However, He Si didn't care what everyone thought.

In his eyes, Gong Yue'er is just a girl who can't grow up.

Worried about her basic necessities of life, physical and mental health.

Raising a daughter-in-law is more worrying than raising a daughter. No, raising ten daughters is more comfortable than raising Gong Yueer.

After all, raising children is young, so a little teaching is enough.

But what about raising his wife?

He doesn't remember the teachings, and he often gets angry so much that his forehead hurts, and he can't vent his anger.

He Si took Gong Yueer back to the apartment directly.

Back home, He Si left Gong Yue'er behind and went straight to the kitchen to make dinner.

He didn't intend to pay attention to Gong Yue'er, and didn't even give her a look.

This made Gong Yue'er even more irritable. What is the meaning of this man? He is addicted to shaking his face.

She is also a moral person, ignore her, right?

Forget it.

Gong Yue'er went upstairs in anger, took a beautiful hot bath, and soaked in the bathtub, feeling very comfortable.

All those troubles were left behind.

There are no ingredients at home, so I can only simply serve a bowl of noodles.

He Si boiled the water, prepared to go upstairs to change into a set of home clothes, and opened the door with his hands.

Suddenly, that deserted face instantly darkened.

Lock the door?

He got angry and even locked him out.

Gong Yue'er was soaking in the bathtub, feeling so good.

As long as you don't see Instructor He, you won't be discouraged, and you won't be afraid of being tricked by that black-bellied thing.

So much so that Gong Yue'er didn't hear the sound of the door lock turning.

Hoss opened the door, still holding a wire in his hand.

Hearing Gong Yueer's cheerful singing, he laughed angrily.

Very good, very good, he hasn't started to settle accounts after autumn, just now he looked frightened in the car, and he can sing in a blink of an eye.

This made Colonel He have a very bad feeling, that girl is acting?

Afraid that he would settle accounts in the fall and drag her to practice, so he pretended to be wrong and begged for forgiveness?
At this time, Gong Yue'er finally heard the movement outside.

The expression on that small face instantly stiffened, and his back straightened.

Sitting up from the bathtub in an instant, he reached out and held the towel beside his chest to cover his chest.

He Si walked in with a gloomy face, and when he saw Gong Yue'er wrapped in a towel, he laughed angrily.

In an instant, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

That smile is so bright and charming, even the voice is full of laughter: "Stop singing?"

"Sings very nicely."

Gong Yue'er didn't speak, but her heart was in her throat.

This man's smile is deeply rooted in people's hearts. The more sexy and seductive his smile is, the more chilling it is.

Just like poppies.

It is beautiful when it blooms, and it can stand out when a hundred flowers bloom.

But it is such a flower that can kill people.

(End of this chapter)

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