Chapter 466

"Look at you, where do you pass the test? Is it a gentle personality, or is it bulging and curvy?"

He Si's scrutinizing eyes were full of blasphemy towards Gong Yue'er.

Dislike her?
Sure enough, men are not very good things, and as expected, they just got it, and they don't know how to cherish it.

Once you get it, you lose interest.

Gong Yueer's heart was extremely cold, her lips collapsed into a straight line.

But when she met He Si's smiling eyes, she realized that this black-bellied man was actually teasing her.

They were obviously arguing, yet they were smiling so happily.

What do you do with a man who doesn't even care about quarreling?
When He Si saw Gong Yue'er's eyes that had become deep, he felt amused in his heart.

It is said that a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, and it is true.

Anything can be distorted and associated, even the little girl in his family is like this now.

Quickly opened his mouth to appease him: "Hey, don't think about it."

"How can I be willing to let you be wronged? Don't worry, if the Li family wants to climb up to my Yueyue family, they have to weigh their own status."

"I have identified you in my life, how can I marry another woman?"

"I want no one but you"

Gong Yue'er still had a cold face and did not speak.

Officer He is a sugar-coated cannonball. This man is black-bellied, and he will say some nice words to coax her.

Although Gong Yue'er was still tense, her mood had improved.

Calm down, she also regrets a little.

He regretted losing his temper indiscriminately just now, and defending her regardless of his status when he was eating just now.

Help her anger those shameless people.

Although, now he is in the Yuncheng Military Region, and his military rank is only a small officer, but after all, he is the one who will inherit the general rule.

Special attention must be paid to every word and deed, and it is necessary to have both sides, win over politicians, and make friends with fake businessmen.

The last thing you can do is to be an old enemy when you are fledgling, maybe it will be a stumbling block at that time.

Instructor He is such a transparent person, how could he not understand the truth.

However, at that time, in order to protect her, he even appeared in front of the president, embarrassing the Li family.

His Excellency the President will definitely not be happy with Hoss doing this.

He did it because he loves her.

She was still so inconsiderate, she came out to go online and started to lose her temper.

The more Gong Yueer thought about it, the more guilty she felt, and the more she felt that she was wrong.

But she is a tsundere girl, and she can't say sorry, that's why her face keeps collapsing.

Officer He knew his little girl better than Gong Yueer herself.

How can he not know that the little girl is regretting at this moment.

Distressed to the extreme.

What she said about letting him marry Jin Yili just now was probably what she was most afraid of deep in her heart.


Now, the Gong family's backing is gone, and there is nothing outstanding about her.

In ancient times, she was a martial artist, she could only hold a gun, and could not be a helper in the court.

Gong Yue'er understood all of this in her heart, so deep down in her heart, she was afraid, panicked, and even more insecure.

Because of love, so worry about gains and losses.

That little girl who was not afraid of anything, has now turned into a shrinking turtle.

He Si sighed in his heart, his love was not to burden the little girl, but to make her happier and happier.

Like a tiger with wings.

Before he met her, he didn't understand, and he didn't care about marriage, it didn't matter if he married anyone.

After meeting her, he just wanted to marry her and spend the rest of his life with her.

"Girl, have you forgotten that letter?"

(End of this chapter)

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