The queen's heir husband

Chapter 468 Ex-Boyfriend Fights Current Boyfriend

Chapter 468 Ex-Boyfriend Fights Current Boyfriend
I can only hear his voice, but not see his people.

Hearing Gong Luya's voice, the smiles on Gong Yue'er and He Si's faces disappeared in an instant.

Gong Yue'er's face also suddenly became deserted.

Some people just linger, and they are disgusting wherever they go.

At the end of the road, Zuo Wei walked over with Gong Luya, who was holding a big belly.

Gong Luya always had a faint smile on her face, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

He didn't mind at all the darkened faces of He Si and Gong Yue'er when they saw her, and even though they knew she wasn't welcome, they still moved forward.

Stretching his stomach, he walked towards the gazebo.

He sat down next to Gong Yueer and He Si.

"Sister, the relationship between you and brother-in-law is so good, it's really enviable."

"I just don't know if I can grow old forever."

Some people are like this, it makes people disgusting when they open their mouths, and dogs can't spit out ivory.

Originally, what Gong Yue'er disliked the most was lip service, but Gong Luya provoked her everywhere.

Then don't blame her for being rude.

"Don't call me sister. I have nothing to do with the Li family. It was your mother and daughter who kicked me out of the Gong family."

"Why, now that I'm going to marry into the He family, you want to admit it by licking your face?"

The smile on Gong Luya's face widened: "Sister, don't be angry."

"Even if you don't want to admit it, we shed the same blood, we can't let go!"

"Besides, you might not be able to marry into the He family."


Gong Luya was full of provocation, and she didn't even mind expressing her opinion in front of He Si and Zuo Wei.

She just wanted to rob He Si and marry into the He family.

I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen such shameless people as Gong Luya.

"Yueyue, let's go, the air is not good."

“Stinks everywhere”

Gong Yue'er almost laughed out loud, and replied with a faint smile: "Okay."

Let He Si pull her to go to other places.

The two of them directly ignored Gong Luya's pooping face.

He Xiaoguan is He Xiaoguan, and he must be punished.

It's fine if he doesn't speak, once he speaks, he won't leave anyone alive, his tongue is very vicious.

The typical ones are referring to Sang and scolding Huai, and referring to Gong Luya's bad breath, and there will be no good words when he speaks.

Gong Luya's face turned blue with anger.

If Yueer Gong said this, she would definitely not let her go. What kind of Yueer Gong is she, she dares to say that about her.

But it would be different if it was He Si, and she could only endure it.

Seeing that Gong Luya was out of breath, Zuo Wei hurried over to appease him: "Honey, don't be angry, it's not good for children."

Pa, Gong Luya directly slapped Zuo Wei on the face.

"Zuo Wei, what are you, dare to teach me a lesson?"

With a slap on Zuo Wei's face, he still didn't respond, as if nothing happened, and continued to coax Gong Luya.

That looks dog-legged and useless.

"Honey, does your hand hurt?"

"Hitting me is a trivial matter, don't get mad at yourself, you are pregnant now."

Zuo Wei's useless appearance made Gong Luya even more angry.

That bitch Gong Yueer actually found a powerful husband, what about her?
He thought he was better than Gong Yue'er in everything, but he found Zuo Wei, a worthless person.

Thinking of how Gong Yueer planned to ruin her back then, she hated Gong Yueer to the bone.

Gong Luya waved away Zuo Wei's hand that was supporting her, pointed at his nose and scolded Zuo Wei: "Zuo Wei, you are a coward."

"See, that used to be your woman, but now she has moved on and found a husband who is better than you in everything."

"If I were you, I would chase this bitch back and shake him off hard."

 After the 5.11 update, the award-winning activity of building a building is ing, and if you have tickets, hand them in quickly, otherwise the map will be drawn tonight
(End of this chapter)

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