The queen's heir husband

Chapter 479 On the first day of the newlyweds, trouble with the father-in-law

Chapter 479 On the first day of the wedding, trouble with the father-in-law

That girl's temper is like this, in one word.

He Si had long thought that if he was thrown into the Northwest, this girl would definitely lose her temper.

It's just that He Si didn't expect that Your Excellency was so ruthless that he threw him away on the day of the wedding.

It's no wonder his girl is not furious.

This incident directly became the biggest regret in their lives.

Other people's bridal chamber wedding night is beautiful and unforgettable.

However, their wedding night in the bridal chamber was also very unforgettable, one was beaten all over the body, and the other jumped out of anger.

That girl won't go back to the army?
What are you doing in Yanjing?
He Si didn't think that Gong Yue'er was doing any good in Yanjing, she would put away her minions only in front of him.

If it was someone else, she would be absolutely cruel and would take revenge.

This girl is so angry today, those who stay in Yanjing and make her have a hard time will have a hard time.

He Si has seen the girl's tricks before.

Even if it is Your Excellency, I am afraid that girl will not be soft.

Who made you feel uncomfortable for the girl on such a special day.

Now, even He Si is worried that this girl will settle accounts after the autumn, maybe he will have no good fruit to eat.

"Yang Quan, what else did she say?"

Yang Quan repeated Gong Yue'er's words expressionlessly.

On the other side of the phone, He Si's expression was extremely helpless, don't arrange her life?
When did he choreograph her life.

A heartless girl, he just turned around and turned his back on her.

He is her husband.

At this moment, He Si was extremely fortunate. The best decision he had made in his life was to take Gong Yue'er to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a certificate before being placed in the Northwest by Your Excellency.


That is impossible.

He has only been widowed in his life and never divorced.

After hanging up the phone, Officer He came out of the communication room, looking around, there was no light at all, and the sky was full of yellow sand.

But the stars in the sky are extraordinarily dazzling.

With him in this place, that girl might be like a runaway horse, no one can control her at all.

Even under your nose, that girl is fearless.

Sure enough, Gong Yueer collected a few sets of clothes and went to He's Manor early in the morning.


She has a thicker skin.

A place where there is no school officer is heaven, and she doesn't have to pretend to be a little white rabbit.

Now is the time for her to have fun.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the living area of ​​He's Manor, Gong Yueer was stopped by the guards at the gate.

"Stop, let no one else enter"

Gong Yue'er stood there with a cold face and a storm in his eyes.

The next moment, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Go and tell Your Excellency that his daughter-in-law has come to pay her respects."

The guards were unmoved at all, as long as Gong Yue'er didn't break in, they would ignore her.

"Don't let me in, will you?"

Gong Yue'er didn't wait for the two guards to answer, she took out her phone and called Wen Wan.

The moment he spoke, his voice was very sweet.

"Mom, I'm at the door, and the guard won't let me in."

"Well, okay, I'll wait."


If Gong Yueer didn't want to pay attention now, the person she called should be Officer He.

Who can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

She, Gong Yue'er, is a cruel and dark person. Whoever makes her unhappy, she must make others feel uncomfortable.

Soon, Wen Wan came out to welcome her.

Seeing Gong Yueer was obviously very happy: "Yueyue."

"How did you come"

(End of this chapter)

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