The queen's heir husband

Chapter 482 The first day of the wedding made the presidential palace go crazy

Chapter 482 The first day of the wedding made the presidential palace go crazy

Butler Lanyue held the box with a perplexed expression on his face.

When Gong Yue'er saw her expression, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Everyone in the world said that the butler of the Presidential Palace is definitely a slick and remarkable figure.

But today, it doesn't look like much.

It was just a gift, so his face changed in fright.

"Young Mistress, this gift is..."

Gong Yue'er interrupted the butler Lan Yue expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Butler, do you look down on this gift?"

"No, no that's not the case, this gift is priceless."

"That's right, I'll give you something of great value, but you don't want it, it's not looking down on me, what is it?"

Gong Yueer's few words made the housekeeper's back wet with sweat.

Only now did she realize that the eldest daughter of the Gong family was not as brainless as rumored, and would only cause trouble.

My mind is very deep.

It is simply a master who cannot be provoked.

How could Lanyue not know that the young mistress was venting her dissatisfaction, and she was even trying to teach her a lesson.

Lesson learned just her attitude towards her.

Indeed, the housekeeper didn't care at all about the new daughter-in-law of the He family who had just entered the house.

What kind of status does a daughter-in-law who is not seen by her father-in-law and does not have a banquet even get married have any place in the He family.

In their presidential palace, not everyone can be treated like a guest by servants and become their master.

However, even if you don't admit that you are their master in your heart, you will never show it when you serve.

The same goes for everything.

It's like when the housekeeper, Lan Yue, was serving Gong Yue'er.

Careful, comprehensive, neither humble nor overbearing, obviously very caring, people can't find any faults.

But a smart person would understand that these servants only regarded Gong Yue'er as a guest.

Guests first, isn't that how we treat guests?

Gong Yue'er stood at the top of the stairs without saying a word, looking at the housekeeper indifferently.

In just a few seconds, fine sweat began to ooze from her forehead, falling like pearls with a broken thread.

There was a cold look in Gong Yue'er's eyes that had been tightening all the time, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Her deep eyes were radiant but shining like stars.

The cold air coming out of the whole body gave people a strong sense of oppression.

When Lanyue spoke again, her tone was no longer neither humble nor overbearing, but rather begging: "Young Mistress, please accept this gift."

"This gift is too expensive, Lan Yue can't afford it"

"Blue Moon, do you look down on me?"

Gong Yueer's calm words shocked Lan Yue almost to her knees.

This young lady is not very old, Lan Yue is a few years older than her, but at this moment, Gong Yue'er is so intimidating that she can only beg for mercy.

"Young Mistress, please don't embarrass me."

"We just work"

The next moment, Gong Yue'er laughed angrily, but there was a faint sneer at the corner of her mouth, only those bright eyes were full of coldness, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, unstoppable.

"Difficult? Are you saying that I am embarrassing you? Is Lan Butler's words too serious?"

"I kindly gave you a gift, but you said I made things difficult for you"

Gong Yue'er actually knew very well in her heart that Lan Yue dared not accept this gift, she could not accept it.

But she just wanted to embarrass a servant, she is not an ordinary servant, she is the housekeeper of the presidential palace.

She is also the leader of all the servants in the entire presidential palace. Whether she will have a good life in the presidential palace in the future, whether she is comfortable or not, mainly depends on the attitude of the housekeeper towards her.

"Young lady, please"

(End of this chapter)

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