The queen's heir husband

Chapter 491 His little wife is too mysterious

Chapter 491 His little wife is too mysterious

Are you so worried about raising a daughter-in-law these days?

It's really not worrying at all.

He can guarantee that if his little girl wants to drink, she will never compromise so easily and ask Zhu Yi to send her back to the apartment.

There is only one possibility.

That is the apartment has alcohol.

He Si was extremely annoyed, why didn't he check the little girl's house carefully when he was in Beijing.

He will know if there is no wine.

(Author: Didn't Xiaoguan He feel compelled? When you were here, you only thought about sleeping one after another, and were you thinking about doing other things?)

(Am I this kind of beast?)
(the author is)
He Si was very worried, so he called the people who secretly protected Gong Yue'er, telling them to be more vigilant tonight.

After the little girl drank, it was like a different person.

Especially as long as someone provokes her, her desire to fight will be very strong, so strong that she will lose control and be broken the next day.

He Si was particularly worried.

Now, he can still control her, and barely draws with her who is out of control. If this continues, he really won't be her opponent.

At that time, it will be out of control.

What worries He Si the most is that the drunk girl has no integrity at all, and anyone can flirt with her.

Both men and women are welcome.

He Si was upset when he thought of her flirting with other people, no matter if it was a man or a woman.

At this moment, just thinking about that scene, his whole body suddenly became cold.

I can't wait to hit a flying drop and fly to Gong Yueer's side.

Why are you so disobedient? How can you be disobedient?

It's a pity that this place is nothing but yellow sand, and even the supply planes fly once or twice a week, so it's impossible to leave at any time.

Your Excellency must have taken a fancy to this place and couldn't go back as he wished, that's why you sent him here.

Immediately, He Si called Wen Wan again and found a good excuse for Gong Yue'er not to go home. Seeing that Wen Wan didn't suspect anything, he felt relieved.

After hanging up the phone, he called another secret number.

After the call is connected, the prompt is an empty number.

But a few seconds later, the other party called back.

He Si went straight to the point: "Jack, what happened to the matter that asked you to investigate?"

There was a pure British accent on the phone: "Yan Wang, I'm sorry, we have never encountered this situation before."

"However, your little wife's body is normal. It's not a disease invasion, but it's like an innate ability."

"Also, her life experience can't be found out. Your little wife is full of secrets, so there's no way to find out."

"Got it, thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, He Si's thoughts drifted far away.

Ever since he saw the suicide note left by Gong Yueer's mother, He Si began to investigate Gong Yueer's mother's family.

But after searching for so long, it turned out to be the answer.

He Si knew who Jack was.

Even if you ask him to find out how much Yan State's treasury is, as long as you give him time, he will never let you down.

But now, Yueyue's background cannot be found.

But they only had that one letter as a clue. After all, even Gong Xunjun didn't know the true identity of Gong Yue'er's mother.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been framed to death like this.

Now what He Si is sure of is that Gong Yue'er's mother was indirectly killed by Li Shanshan, and he already has some clues.

(End of this chapter)

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