Chapter 505

"Have you slept enough?"

"Are you hungry? If you're hungry, ask Yang Er Yang Yi to get you something to eat. Don't starve."

Yang Er and Yang on the side looked at each other, originally thought that their captain would definitely get angry, even if they didn't get angry, their tone would definitely not be much better.

what just happened?
Why does their captain's voice sound so gentle?Is there an illusion?

Even Gong Yue'er's eyes flashed with astonishment, um, this is Officer He?
Isn't it coming to settle accounts after autumn?Isn't it because of what happened last night to teach her a lesson?

Gong Yueer is also smart, since Officer He is not prepared to pursue it, of course she will not take the initiative to bring it up.

The two chatted about homework on the phone.

That Xiaoguan He, who was concise and concise, spoke word by word, since he talked about some unimportant topics with Gong Yueer.

Ask the chef of the presidential palace if the food is good, if you want to eat, tell Lanyue, or call him to tell him.

Yang Yi and Yang Er next to each other listened to these words, their pleasant, sexy and gentle voices hit their soft hearts directly.

This is their captain?

The captain with a stern face all day long and a rare smile?
As long as one is unhappy, he will pull all their teammates to practice, and beat the captain to death?

This is too scary.

Could it be that their captain has changed a soul in his body?

At a time like this, Gong Yue'er was of course guilty, so she nodded and said yes to what Xiaoguan He said, and she was always sympathetic.

That attitude is too good to be true.

The chat between the two ended in this atmosphere.

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Gong Yue'er's face disappeared instantly. She put Yang Er's phone on the sofa beside her.

Changing to a lazy posture, he looked up at the two people in front of him.

Looking at this expression, it is ready to settle accounts after autumn.

Damn, how come there is a sense of déjà vu of the captain?
"Did you hear what your captain said?"

"I just tell you what I want to eat"

Yang Yi stretched out his hand and pushed Yang Er, and all these little actions of theirs fell into Gong Yue'er's eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Teammate Yang Yi, last time I ate chicken rotten rice in Jinghong, it was delicious!"

"How about you do this?"

"What? Chicken rice?"

"How did I not hear it being said?"

Yang Yiyun was in a fog, and had no idea what Gong Yueer was talking about.

There was gloating in Yang Er's eyes, he stretched out his hand and patted Yang Yi's shoulder: "Brother, it doesn't matter, you can find Du Niang."

"I can't learn."

"This difficult task is entrusted to you"

Yang Yi's face flushed instantly, it was obvious that their little sister-in-law was avenging their own personal revenge.

He is even more present.

Under the gaze of Gong Yue'er's deep eyes, he could only nod in agreement, and hurriedly held his phone and started looking for information.

When I saw how it was done, I was in a bad mood.

Jinghong is the state capital of XSBN Autonomous Prefecture, where many Dai people live.

Chicken rotten rice is a special dish of the Dai people. The recipe is very complicated, and the choice of chicken is also very particular, and it is made of a combination of various spices.

That approach is dazzling.

Yang Yi appraised his cooking skills, he really just couldn't do it, even if it was for teammates in the army cooking class, it might be difficult.

"Sister-in-law, can you change the dish?"

"Small fried pork? Maybe Sichuan spicy tofu? Fish-flavored shredded pork?"

(End of this chapter)

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