Chapter 507
A man with a killer voice.

But hearing He Si's voice made Gong Yue'er extremely irritable.

Just because of this man, she still has to face such a group of wolves and tigers, which is really enough.

So even though Officer He's voice over there was very tender and said sweet words of love, Gong Yue'er hung up the phone after a few perfunctory words.

Today is a special day, Gong Yueer felt resentful in his absence.

So things need her to face alone.

After getting up and tidying up, Gong Yueer went downstairs to tell Yang Yi and Yang Er, and then went to the presidential palace.

When she walked into the house, the table at home was full of gifts.

Seeing these gifts, Gong Yue'er suddenly exuded air-conditioning all over her body, and her eyes became extremely cold.


Walking into the restaurant, Gong Yue'er just called out gently, and ignored the President directly.

Early in the morning, when she saw those gifts, she was in a bad mood. At this time, she didn't even bother to put on airs. If she didn't like them, she just didn't like them.

Wen Wan got up and walked to the door to pick up Gong Yue'er, then reached out and patted her on the shoulder.

There was deep concern in his eyes: "Are you hungry? Let's go, eat something."

"The kitchen cooks your favorite porridge"

"Mom, I have no appetite."


Not to mention sitting at the same table with Your Excellency and eating breakfast, it's considered a good temper for her not to leave directly.

"Hey, eat as much as you want, or someone will feel bad!"

Gong Yue'er was not a hypocritical person, so she sat down next to her despite her gentle request.

Even drinking my favorite porridge is tasteless.

It made her resent He Si more and more.

It was good for him, he just got the certificate, tricked her into the house and ran to the Northwest by himself. His feelings for her were just a decoration for him to marry back home.

On the northwest side, the weather has not been very good these days, with strong winds blowing all day long.

There was also a smell of yellow sand in the air.

At ten o'clock a soldier ran into Hoss' room.

"Captain, the weather is bad, the supply plane can't leave on time"

"I am afraid."

He Si looked at the time on the phone, and said lightly, "One o'clock at noon, can it be reached?"

"No, I'm afraid I won't come today, the weather is too bad."

Because of this sentence, He Si frowned habitually. If there was no helicopter, it would take him twice as long to reach nearby cities. It would probably be after midnight when he arrived in Yanjing.

"Go, get the car ready, we're leaving now."

"Yes, Captain."

Soon, the soldiers under He Si drove a military off-road vehicle. He Si and two soldiers under his command drove the vehicle and galloped in the yellow sand.

Desert, Dust, Gobi Desert.

His thoughts wandered far away.

Today is the day when his girl returns home, and it is also the third day of their marriage. According to the custom, he will accompany the girl back home today.

But he is far away in the northwest, so he can't accompany the girl.

According to He Si's understanding of you, he will definitely embarrass the girl.

Knowing that, with the character of his little girl, even in front of Your Excellency, she would not let herself suffer.

It is impossible to bully her.

Even so, he was still worried.

When you get here, your Excellency will not allow He Si to go back for a while, and it is impossible to accompany the girl back home.

Ever since he came to the Great Northwest, He Si started to plan the time and figure out the itinerary of each supply plane.

(End of this chapter)

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