Chapter 510
After a while, Wen Wan sat back in her original position.

With his head down, he wiped his tears with a tissue, and then ate breakfast without saying a word.

The air in the room was very thin and depressing, and even the sound of eating was unusually loud.

However, this shocked Gong Yueer.

The first lady is the first lady. Even if she is hysterical one second, she can eat gracefully the next second.

Even though the eye sockets are still red, she is still elegant.

After a while, when Wen Wan raised her head, there was a faint smile on her face.

"Yueyue, eat more"

"Eat, go back to your place"

Gong Yue'er was shocked in her heart, she thought that Wen Wan might ask her something for Officer He.

But she was wrong, Wen Wan didn't, and instead asked her to go back, that is to say, she took care of the rest.

It's fine if you don't like going to Li's house, it's okay, Mom will take care of it.

Although Wen Wan didn't say these words out of her mouth, Gong Yue'er felt this kind of meaning.

Really shocking, really heartwarming.

She has never enjoyed maternal love, and she doesn't know what it's like to have a mother, but she has grandparents.

In an instant, Gong Yue'er's originally firm thoughts were a little shaken at this moment.

"Mom me."

With a gentle movement, Gong Yueer stopped what Gong Yueer wanted to say.

At this moment, her face was expressionless, but her eyes that had cried were shining brightly.

"Yueyue, you don't need to say anything."

"I believe that when Asi is at home, I don't want you to do things you don't like. As a mother, I know how much Asi loves you."

"You are my daughter-in-law. I don't have a daughter, so you are my daughter."

"How can I let you do things against your will? In this presidential palace, one woman sacrifice is enough."

These gentle words caught Gong Yue'er off guard.

She didn't expect that He Si's mother would treat her like this, and Ai Wu and Wu would be like this.

Originally, Gong Yueer's thoughts were loose, and the wall built in his heart collapsed in an instant.

She made up her mind.

"Mom, go, I can't make things difficult for you."

"He Si is my husband, and I can't put him in danger. The Li family is not a den of dragons and tigers, and there will be no loss of meat if we go there."

"Yue Yue."

Wen Wan didn't know what to say, she knew how much Gong Yue'er resisted the Li family.

He even knew everything that happened at the funeral some time ago.

Letting Gong Yue'er go back to Li's house is simply a difficult task, and she will be very resistant in her heart.

If the roles were reversed, she would definitely not step into the Li family, and she wouldn't even look at the Li family.

However, if Gong Yue'er entered the Li family on such a special day today, even if she didn't say anything or express her opinion, everyone would think that the Li family was Gong Yue'er's natal family.

"Yueyue, I'm not going, we're not going."

"Recently, a new beauty salon has opened, we will try it later."

Thinking of these, Wen Wan still couldn't bear to wrong Gong Yueer.

When they got married, there was no wedding and no blessings, which was enough to wrong the two juniors.

She was really reluctant to ask Gong Yue'er to make such a big sacrifice at this moment.

She believed that if Gong Yue'er's mother was still alive, she would never want to see her daughter, who would be wronged like this if she got married.

"Mom, go, the Li family is not a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, I can handle it."

Wen Wan didn't speak anymore.

The two children are very stubborn, and it is not possible to change their decision with a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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