Chapter 557
As long as the human heart is made of flesh, even a stone will be warmed.

Qin Lang's eyes were getting darker and darker, and he looked desperate and decadent.

But he pretended very well, thinking that he didn't show it at all, but he didn't.

Those present are all the proud sons of heaven, not ordinary people.

Except for Gong Yue'er who couldn't see it, everyone else knew it.

Gong Yue'er couldn't tell that it was because she was insensitive to feelings, which was indeed not her strong point, and because of this character, Officer He suffered a lot when he chased her.

Sad to the extreme.

I've read a lot of love books, but in the end, I can keep the clouds open to see the moon, and embrace the beauty to return.

At this moment, Xiaoguan He was extremely happy. It turned out that his little girl's emotional slowness was also an advantage.

As long as he pushes the flames a little bit, those men who have thoughts about little girls and have not yet sprouted feelings will be strangled in the cradle by him, and there will be no chance of seeing the light.

Instructor He's eyes can see through the past and present, and Qin Lang's fleeting gloomy eyes did not escape Xiaoguan He's eyes at all.

The corner of He Si's mouth curled up into a faint smile, while serving Gong Yue'er for dinner, he casually asked Qin Lang.

"Lawyer Qin, is the food here not to your taste?"

"How about we change places?"

Qin Lang raised his head and looked at him. He saw gloating and provocation in Officer He's smiling eyes.

At this moment, Qin Lang only realized later.

However, he is not an ordinary person, and he quickly restrained his emotions.

The noble demeanor and self-cultivation are fully reflected.

"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom"

Qin Lang got up and went to the bathroom.In terms of position, Gong Yue'er's temper, which she had held back for a long time, finally broke out.

Throwing the knife and fork onto the plate, he turned his head and looked at He Si indifferently.

"Officer He, can you be any more cheap?"

Unexpectedly, He Si was not only not angry, but the smile on the corner of his mouth widened even more, a smile that turned all living beings upside down, and it was extremely charming.

He handed Gong Yueer a glass of milk.

"Girl, don't be angry, anger hurts your body."

"Don't you think your husband is dressed handsomely today?"

In the face of He Si's gentle offensive, Gong Yueer's hot words were released, and Officer He would always know how to deal with her.

Including when she loses her temper now, he always has various ways to make her happy.

Although I don't understand why Xiaoguan He appeared in the Sakura Hotel inexplicably today, and even had a chance encounter.

But according to what she knew about Colonel He, he must be planning something again.

Gong Yue'er habitually took the milk that He Si handed over, and took a hard sip.

Then got up and went to the bathroom.

Qin Lang went to the bathroom, the girl went to the bathroom at this time, didn't she want to meet someone.

Officer He also stood up from his seat: "Girl, let's go together."

Gong Yue'er glanced at He Si lightly, but didn't speak.

This man, something is wrong today, even when he goes to the toilet, he is still sticky.

Gong Yueer came out of the bathroom, and He Si was leaning on the corridor of the bathroom to smoke, seeing Gong Yueer walking over, he quickly extinguished the cigarette.

"Girl, let's go"

He Si reached out to hold Gong Yueer, and just as He Si was about to take Gong Yueer away, he saw a familiar figure coming out of the men's room.

Officer He's eyes flashed brightly, he turned around and hugged Gong Yue'er, and then a wall came.

(End of this chapter)

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