The queen's heir husband

Chapter 561 The person over there found it

Chapter 561 The person over there found it
When she passed a dark road, her pace suddenly slowed down.

There was a sneer on her expressionless face, and she said in a cold voice: "Come out, we're all following the way."

As soon as Gong Yueer's words fell, she felt a strong evil spirit.

The killing was so obvious that it frightened her.

Suddenly, four or five figures jumped out from all directions.

Gong Yueer didn't know these people, and it could be concluded that they were not from Yan country at all, with yellow skin and black hair, they looked like people from H country.

Gong Yue'er was not afraid of those people's scrutinizing eyes, and said indifferently, "You want to kill me?"

The other party didn't expect Gong Yueer to be so straightforward, so he was taken aback.

Then he took out a photo and compared it with Gong Yue'er, not sure.

The man in the lead turned his head and glanced at the person next to him: "Is it her?"

"Kind of like, but not."

"Boss, what should I do?"

The man named Boss squinted his eyes, and looked at Gong Yue'er again, as if he was making sure of something.

Then he put away the photo, his black eyes were full of murder.

"Whether she is or not, let's talk about it after I want to solve it."

"I'd rather kill by mistake than let one go!"

Gong Yue'er laughed angrily. The aura of this group of people was very strong, and they seemed difficult to deal with, but they were a little too arrogant.

It was several times more arrogant than when she was flamboyant.

He actually discussed her life and death so unscrupulously in front of her.

To kill her?
It also depends on whether she has that ability, she is not easy to mess with.

Gong Yue'er's eyes were full of sneers, which were extremely sharp.

Casually said, "Everyone, do you have to ask the parties for their opinions during the discussion?"

The leading man glanced at Gong Yueer indifferently: "Your opinion is not important, you will die anyway."

The depression and annoyance in Gong Yue'er's eyes instantly turned into murderous aura, and before the group of people took any action, they rushed forward and attacked.

As soon as the master makes a move, he will know if there is one.

As soon as Gong Yue'er made a move, it was a killer move.

But the person in the lead escaped Gong Yue'er's full blow with ease.

The man smiled recklessly: "Little girl, I'm really overwhelmed."

"We haven't made a move yet, but you can't wait to court death."

"Nonsense, it's not certain who lives and who dies!"

After the words fell, Gong Yue'er made another move, and at the same time, Yang Yi and Yang Er in the dark also made a move.

Seeing Yang Yi and Yang Er, those people didn't seem surprised, and their eyes didn't change.

Knowing that Yang Yi and Yang Er are in the dark early in the morning?
The two looked at each other, Yang Yi looked serious, and then silently pressed a button on the watch.

At the same time, Yang Quan received their distress signal.

It is definitely a big deal for Yang Yi and Yang Er to ask for help.

"Captain, something happened to my sister-in-law."


He Si put down the documents in his hand, got up and rushed over here with Yang Quan.

At this moment, the three of them are fighting each other inseparably.

Even though Yang Yi and Yang Er are amazing, Gong Yue'er is not bad, but it is obviously difficult for them to face those people.

There were six of them in total, but only three of them, one on one.

The other three stood aside and watched the play casually.

It felt like a cat catching a mouse, Gong Yueer and the others were tigers, and the other was a ferocious cat.

Obviously the mice were already in their pocket, but they still didn't plan to kill them all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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