The queen's heir husband

Chapter 573 Being ridiculed by a group of people

Chapter 573 Being ridiculed by a group of people as a scumbag
After the voice fell, the whole body was silent, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became deserted.

Although many people present did not know Gong Yueer.

But everyone has heard of Gong Yueer's name.

Who doesn't know that the eldest daughter of the Gong family is flamboyant and spends all day doing nothing, which is simply a negative example for those wealthy girls.

Some time ago, the matter of the Gong family was also aroused in Yanjing.

It is a joke that the heir of the Yan Kingdom married such a woman with such a bad record.

Originally, this family gathering would be held every once in a while, but there was nothing new about it.

I've been here a few times, and I usually find excuses to shirk.

If there is really something to ask for under the door, that is what men should do.

But today, this person is very neat.

They were all looking at the heir's jokes, and also seeing the uncontrollable look on the face of the head mistress.

On weekdays, who is not flattering the mistress, who dares to be angry and dare not speak out.

Even if you feel unhappy in your heart, you can only hold back, or go home and close the door, and yell at him.

There is not much time for this kind of theater, can you not watch it?
Gong Yueer's face was expressionless, she raised her eyebrows and glanced at the open wife, guessing the identity of the perpetrator in her heart.

What degree?
Technical school degree.

So what?She didn't think there was anything shameful about it. A bad study didn't mean that everything was bad.

But this education is a facade among famous nobles.

Wen Wan was also extremely embarrassed, she turned her head and glanced at Gong Yue'er.

His eyes were full of comfort.

Then he said casually: "This degree doesn't mean anything, as long as Asi really likes it."

"Yueyue is a good girl."

In a few or two words, Wen Wan wants to practice Tai Chi and let this matter pass.

On the contrary, she also thought the same as Gong Yueer. Although education is very important, it doesn't mean everything.

Character is more important.

But, these people are all here to see Wen Wan's jokes, so how could they just let her get away with it.

The feeling of falling into the altar should be very sour.

With a puff, a young woman laughed out loud.

"Auntie, don't force her to ask questions. Who doesn't know that the eldest daughter of the Gong family is a scumbag."

"How can I have any education!"

"I'm afraid you haven't even studied in the Imperial School!"

Immediately, a man of about the same age said, "Don't embarrass sister-in-law."

"Imperial College is nothing special. I heard that my sister-in-law worked as an assistant nurse in the hospital after graduating from technical school."


"What technical school? Or the health professions?"

These people exposed Gong Yueer's old background with every word, just to make Gong Yueer look bad.

Because of Gong Yue'er's education level, it's really not enough for this group of people.

Even if they are undergraduates, they don't look down on them.

The youngest here are all studying at the Imperial College. Back then, Gong Yue'er was directly rejected by the Imperial College because of her poor academic performance.

Gong Xunjun is another person who cares about face, so he couldn't save his face and walked through the back door.

So Gong Yueer just went to ordinary elementary school and middle school.

Immediately, everyone burst into laughter, the laughter was full of irony and ridicule.

They all thought that Gong Yue'er would feel ashamed and even ashamed to stay.

Even if the mistress of the house came out to maintain it, it would not be a shameful thing.

Unexpectedly, Gong Yue'er was sitting on the sofa calmly, holding a glass of water, drinking it casually.

(End of this chapter)

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