Chapter 578
He Si felt extremely helpless in his heart, and looked away.

The emotions in the eyes have been cleaned up at this moment.

He looked up at his second aunt and He Sufen, and asked calmly, "Second aunt, aunt, are you opposing this marriage?"

"Doubt my vision?"

He Sufen took it over: "A Si, Auntie is afraid that you will be deceived by this girl."

"Auntie means divorce? Marry another?"

He Sufen's face was pale, and she remained silent.

In the He family, there are only widows and no divorce. This is the rule left by the ancestors.

Even though she didn't like Gong Yue'er, she didn't dare to say that.

But Second Aunt He is the daughter-in-law who married into the house. Although she knows this rule, she doesn't take it seriously. Now that the divorce rate is so high and there are many divorced people, this overbearing rule can also be changed.

"It's not suitable, divorce is nothing, right!"

There was a cold light in He Si's eyes, but he still spoke slowly: "Then who does Second Aunt think is suitable?"

"Is it Jin Yili from the Jin family?"

The original arrogant expression on Aunt He's face disappeared instantly because of He Si's words, and a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

He actually knew.
Knowing that she is close to the Jin family, when He Si was not married, she often asked his family to mention it before you.

Intentionally match He Si and Jin Yili.

Later, the Jin family actually did such a disgraceful thing, and their eldest family was ashamed to mention it again.

Unexpectedly, the heir actually knew, knew what their elder family's plan was.

Second Aunt He's face turned pale to the extreme, she opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but finally hesitated to speak, and dared not speak out.

He Si glanced lightly at those peers in the room, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened, and it was so bright.

I was a little surprised that there are so many people of the same age in the He family.

How to balance these relationships is up to Madam.

It's no wonder that his mother and elders have such deep grievances, and it's no wonder that the little girl was very resistant back then.

According to the little girl's free-spirited and trouble-free character, I am really lucky to marry him.

To marry him is to marry trouble.

Suddenly, He Si felt a little distressed.

He couldn't bear to let his little girl deal with these messy things. Where there are many women, there are many right and wrong.

It seems that it has to be solved once and for all today, so as not to be troublesome again.

He Si's gaze fell on He Jun, which made him startled, and he couldn't help but backed away.

He Si was away all year round, so he seldom participated in this kind of family gathering, only once or twice a year, and had little contact with these peers.

But this does not hinder his majesty at all.

One look is enough to make them afraid.

"Xiaojun, are you laughing at your sister-in-law's technical secondary education?"

"How do I remember that when you entered Imperial College, uncle donated some money and forced you into it?"

Immediately, He Jun's face turned pale, but He Si still didn't stop, his tone was soft, his words were clear, and he looked at those people with a smile in his eyes.

He was such a man wearing a white shirt and black trousers, with an extraordinary temperament, every word and every sentence hit the lifeblood.

The knife saw blood, and the knife was fatal.

Soft knives hurt people the most.

With a cold voice, with a slight smell of tobacco: "Yueyue threatens you?"

Immediately, He Si changed the subject and said to Gong Yueer, "Yueyue, did you threaten them?"

 Continue to update
(End of this chapter)

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