The queen's heir husband

Chapter 583 Was tricked by the mother-in-law?

Chapter 583 Was tricked by the mother-in-law?

Gong Yue'er took off the ring from her hand, threw it directly on He Si's body, turned around and left.

She exploded.

It really exploded.

This is calculated by Wen Wan, blame her.

I blame her for not being on guard against Wen Wan, because when she entered He's house, Wen Wan was the first to throw olive branches at her.

Because of her and He Si's affairs, she ran around and even turned against Your Excellency.

When she entered the bureau, she was the first to see her with food and clothes, and every bit of this made her feel warm.

That feeling made her think that she was her daughter.

That's what she told her, she didn't have a daughter, only He Si had a son, and her daughter-in-law was her daughter.

So, that's why she trusted her.

So, that's why she didn't have any defenses.

But that's the way it is, it's just stupid to be cheated and calculated.

She was sold and had to count the money for her.

She said why the He family was so unruly, and dared to be so presumptuous in front of the mistress, directly questioning the choice of the mistress.

The mistress of the He family has an extraordinary status, and these people should be curry favor with them.

that phone number?

That's probably a gentle calculation.

She was sure that Second Aunt He would answer her phone, and she was sure that Second Aunt He had this kind of temper, so she left the phone there knowing she was coming to Little Times.

Good tricks, good calculations.

One link after another, exactly.

Looking Wen Wan is an elegant woman, very amiable.

Self-cultivation and demeanor are very good. He is always smiling and always has a decent smile on his face.

At this moment, Gong Yue'er was startled.

A lady is a lady, always a lady.

She never speaks too much, and when looking at people, her eyes are very clear, without any warmth. In any occasion, she is still demure and elegant, and her image is perfect.

She is so beautiful and so heartless.

How could such a lady be sincere.

Maybe she really loves He Si and Wu Jiwu, but in front of her own interests, she is a heartless woman.

Anyone can calculate.

Your Excellency and she are a match made in heaven.

Whoever it is, is neither your opponent nor her opponent.

Gong Yue'er was so angry that her liver and lungs hurt.

If she had known that the He family was a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair, she would plunge into it for love.

Longtan and Tiger's Cave are the places where you can't talk about affection. She had already made preparations when she chose Xiaoguan He and married Xiaoguan He.

Unexpectedly, she was still a little caught off guard, and it was her mother-in-law who taught her the first lesson.

The ring of the mistress of the house is a right and honor to others, and it is impossible to dream of it.

But for Gong Yueer, it was definitely a scourge.

In a hurry, he threw it directly to Colonel He.

He Si looked at the ring in his hand, with a helpless smile on his lips.

He was tricked by his own mother.

Is he really her own son? She is not merciless at cheating on him. She just moved from the sofa to the master bedroom. Do she have to move back again?

Officer He's heart is sad.

Who would have thought that his mother's visit today might not be a family reunion, but the house mistress had already planned it out.

This is simply an inheritance ceremony.

No wonder the He family is so tidy, even the cousin who studied abroad has returned.

Also acted in such a big play.

Why didn't he notice it at all?
The little girl turned her face, and the consequences were serious, so He Si hurriedly chased her out.

 After 5.26, we will continue tomorrow, ticket, ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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