The queen's heir husband

Chapter 592 A Murder Case Caused by a Telegram

Chapter 592 A Murder Case Caused by a Phone Call

Officer He is simply pampering his wife to the point of outrageous spoiling.

After leaving the room, He Si's face suddenly became serious.

He remembered that the little girl should be menstruating at this time, why didn't she respond in the past two days?

No wonder the little girl has a bad temper these two days, irritable and easy to get angry.

He Si hurriedly called Qian Chen. Among them, only Qian Chen didn't like to go into business, but he actually liked to go into medicine.

Regardless of family opposition, he resolutely went abroad to study and study.

Officer He really didn't know who to ask for advice on this kind of thing.

After all, Nan Gongkuo and the others are the masters who only get on the train without buying a ticket, they are very promiscuous.

It seems that only Qian Chen can be asked.

When Officer He asked Qian Chen this question obliquely, Qian Chen over there was sleeping and fell off the bed in shock.

A look of disbelief.

"Brother, are you asking me this question?"

"Brother, I don't have half a girlfriend now, and your card has been suspended by you. Ask me if I have to give me a girlfriend first?"

There was a wry smile in Qian Chen's eyes.

It was morning in China at this time, but it was really midnight in his place.

Waking up on the phone in the middle of the night to ask this question?

Is this still their invincible big brother?Why is it a stunned young man?
On the other side of the phone, He Si's face became darker and darker.

Immediately, the phone was disconnected with a snap.

Ask Qian Chen if he doesn't know, what kind of medicine is he still studying, why not come back obediently and take care of the family business.

Qian Chen was very wronged. Although he studied medicine, he studied clinical medicine, not gynecology.

Ask him this kind of question, he really doesn't know.

When asked if she was pregnant, his eldest brother immediately denied it. If it was not pregnancy, then it was some other disease. Shouldn't he be taken to the hospital for examination?

Qian Chen was woken up in the middle of the night, and didn't feel sleepy anymore.

Then in that small group, he still complained about He Si.

For a while, they all knew that Gong Yueer was "pregnant"
Somehow, this news reached the ears of Wen Wanhe Your Excellency, causing waves of waves.

Just kidding, the third generation heirs of the Yan Kingdom, can they not be in a hurry.

All of a sudden, the phone call from the Headquarters reached He Si's mobile phone, and he hurriedly asked He Si to go back to the He Family Manor.

Officer He thought that something had happened, so he sprinted [-] meters to the He Family Manor.

Wen Wan also immediately went to the largest shopping mall in Yan Country to buy supplements for Gong Yue'er, such as milk powder for pregnant women, and radiation-proof clothes.

There were also some baby products, all packed and delivered to Gong Yue'er's apartment.

Gong Yue'er was so angry that her head hurt, but she wasn't sure if she really had it.

Officer He just knocked on the door and told her to go to the He Family Manor.

She didn't answer him, she was getting irritable.

She didn't want to pay attention to the culprit at all, she was going to take the college entrance examination next month.

If she is pregnant at this time, how can she go to college?
Gong Yue'er made up her mind, she took the college entrance examination, and then after entering the university, she spent one year to complete the three years of university studies, so that she could graduate with her peers in time.

Nor is it alternative.

But when she got pregnant, all plans were broken.

Can she not be angry, can she not be in a hurry.

Hearing the doorbell, she opened the door, and saw the delivery man at the door, she was stunned.

After a while, the whole living room was full of things.

Seeing those baby care items, Gong Yue'er was dumbfounded and wanted to cry.

The anger is getting bigger and bigger, more and more uncontrollable.

Damn it, damn it, Colonel He.

(End of this chapter)

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