The queen's heir husband

Chapter 594 Got a Terminal Illness

Chapter 594 Got a Terminal Illness
"You are the culprit, you actually tricked me into having a baby"

"You get out"

Because of the sudden change, Gong Yue'er suddenly turned his face.

Officer He insisted, but she was not incapable of resisting.

For a while, He Si exploded in anger. If the little girl didn't repair it for three days, she would go to the house to have the roof tiles removed.

Make fun of him whenever you get the chance.

The culprit?

Why is he the chief culprit? Even if he wants the little girl to have a baby, isn't it justified.

He was very wronged.

I feel like I was once again severely tricked by Wen Wan and Your Excellency.

This is not pregnant at all, so it is on the line, who told them that the little girl is pregnant?

What made He Si angry and helpless the most was Gong Yue'er. Did he marry a daughter-in-law or bring a daughter home?
Or married a living ancestor?

Are you pregnant or not, do you feel nothing at all?
Officer He was wronged, it was simply a huge wrong.

He planned to take the little girl to the hospital for a blood test early tomorrow morning, and then he wanted to see how the little girl would do it.

Apologizing, nothing works, he has to shake his face and run away from home.

But later, when Xiaoguan He really ran away from home because of some things, Gong Yueer didn't panic at all, what to do, Xiaoguan He was not at home, and it was her time to be high again.

Getting carried away with the game, Officer He was so angry that he returned home in despair.

The trick of running away from home didn't work for the little girl at all, she was very happy that Colonel He ran away from home, and she could let go of her play.

He Si was wronged by Gong Yueer, and he couldn't speak clearly all over his body, so he was so angry that he directly dragged Gong Yueer to practice.

The two called upstairs from the living room downstairs.

It is definitely a tragedy to have a daughter-in-law who is a soldier.

When he wanted to sleep on top of each other, he had to go through the nine-nine-eight-one difficulty. If he wanted to fight hard, he had to win the battle.

Finally, Colonel He got his wish.

But, school official He was furious in an instant.

With a dark face, she turned around and went into the bathroom. After a while, Gong Yue'er heard the sound of dripping water.

When she knew what was going on, she smiled like a flower.

Sleeping on top of each other? I have to ask her aunt if she is willing.

But Gong Yue'er soon knew what extreme joy begets sorrow.

When He Si took a cold shower from the bathroom, the little girl curled up on the bed with a painful expression.

Soybean-like cold sweat broke out.


Instructor He panicked, and hurried to boil brown sugar water for Gong Yueer, and warmed her stomach with a hot water bottle.

How can she be angry, how can she be willing to scold her, wait for her to admit her mistake, it's too late to feel distressed.

After tossing until midnight, Gong Yue'er was directly admitted to the hospital.

In the obstetrics and gynecology office, He Si was severely scolded by an elderly doctor.

Scold officer He as irresponsible.

Coming out of the office, Officer He's face was very ugly.

I secretly made a decision in my heart.

He will definitely not let the girl return to the battle group again. She has a stomachache during menstruation, because the root cause of her illness was that she caught a cold in the water during the armed swimming training last time.

He Si knew exactly how strong Gong Yueer was.

Even if she was injured, she probably wouldn't make a fuss, but such a little girl was tormented by a stomachache, tossing around on the bed, and couldn't help crying out in pain.

Gong Yue'er stayed in the hospital for a day before being discharged.

The state of the whole person is like an eggplant beaten by frost, weak and weak.

For three whole days, she was ill in bed.

"Baby, am I terminally ill?"

(End of this chapter)

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