The queen's heir husband

Chapter 600 A guilty conscience after being caught in a fight

Chapter 600 A guilty conscience after being caught in a fight
Bai Nachuan glanced at Gong Yue'er indifferently, and then glanced sharply at Youyi.

"Tell me, what's going on"

"Report, it's nothing, some people just need to clean up!"

Bai Nachuan laughed angrily. My sister-in-law is no longer in the army, and she doesn't cause trouble during entertainment training. She is a person with no sense of existence.

But when the little sister-in-law came back, You Yi seemed to be a different person.

Bai Nachuan's eyes fell on those people on the ground coldly.

"Get out, don't you feel ashamed?"

"It's useless to learn melee combat on weekdays, but I was knocked out by two people. It's too embarrassing to lie on the ground and not get up."

Bai Nachuan was really about to get internally injured from anger, and the few players who walked up were the top players in the team this time.

The team member he was so proud of was unilaterally abused by two swindlers.


"Report, Captain, I can't get up."

"Report, I can't get up either, my ribs are broken"

Hearing the reports one after another, Bai Nachuan's face darkened even more.

Well done, well done.

Not only was it repaired, but it was repaired so badly.

The little sister-in-law was really ruthless, and she didn't show mercy.

Soon, Bainachuan ordered these people to be carried to Zhantuan Hospital.

But this matter was spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and spread throughout the entire battle group.

As long as it is about Gong Yue'er, it will be fabricated.

What finally reached He Si's ears was that Gong Yue'er had climbed onto the captain's bed.

Very arrogant.

Anyone who wants to be repaired can be repaired. It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Anyway, the captain will block everything.

He Si laughed angrily after hearing these remarks.

Gong Yue'er and You Yi were imprisoned in a small dark room at that time, waiting for investigation and punishment.

Without saying a word, the two entered the small black room together.

When others entered the small dark room, they were absolutely terrified, but You Yi and Gong Yue'er entered the small black room, the two of them had no expression at all, they were very leisurely.

Just like going back to my own home.

In the small black room, Gong Yueer sat down on the ground.

At this moment, she had time to spare, so she raised her head and glanced at Youyi lightly.

"Tell me, how did those people offend you?"

"If you are so angry, you will send him to the hospital."

When You Yi heard Gong Yue'er's question, she almost vomited blood, why did she beat him?It's not because they saw those people bullying her.

Why fight to death? That's not to say that Gong Yue'er is cruel, and she can't lag behind.

In fact, Gong Yue'er has almost this mentality.

When she came back to her senses, she saw You Yi fighting with others. According to Gong Yue'er's personality, she was even more defensive than You Yi. How could she be indifferent when seeing You Yi fighting with others.

So be ruthless.

The corner of You Yi's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "Aren't those people bullying you?"

"bully me?"

"I didn't pay attention, I was thinking about something, and I didn't pay attention to what they said!"

After the words fell, Gong Yue'er suddenly realized, and was speechless for a while.

"Could it be that you thought they were besieging me, so you came up to complain for me?"

You Yi was silent.

The next moment, the two looked at each other and laughed out loud.

Both of them were in a good mood, and the fight was hearty, and they hadn't fought like this before.

“It feels okay”

The feeling of amusement is actually not bad, but when she opens her mouth, it spoils the scenery.

"Yueyue, what do you think will happen if your school officer He knows that you are fighting?"

In an instant, the smile on Gong Yueer's face froze.

A guilty conscience flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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