Chapter 612

"It's better to work and earn money earlier."

Gong Yue'er ignored the gossip of the parents at the door.

Is it a bad student to hand in papers early?Can't get good grades?

She just didn't believe it, but she wanted to create a miracle.

In an inconspicuous place, be prepared to find the family car without fail.

The moment they opened the door, they looked at each other, and He Si frowned habitually.

He glanced at Gong Yueer lightly, then looked down at the time on his wrist.

"Submit the paper 30 minutes early?"

Gong Yueer nodded, Officer He did a good job, she just handed in the paper as soon as the time came.

"The topic is too difficult to do? Are there not enough words?"

Not only the parents at the school gate were so suspicious that those who handed in the papers in advance were scumbags, even the school official He had the same reaction.

Gong Yue'er glanced at He Si lightly.

His face was very ugly: "It's all done, it's very simple."

"The composition is also finished, and most of the exam questions are the key points you have drawn for me."

He Si nodded, relieved.

If it's a battle group practice project, he really doesn't worry about his girl's ability at all, as long as she guarantees that what she wants to do will definitely be done beautifully.

It can be learned.

This girl is stupid enough, she is simply a scumbag.

Two months ago, he had been giving her tutoring every night. In order for this girl to get good grades in the exam, he hadn't dragged the little girl to practice for a long time.

The sacrifice is so great, if the little girl fails in the exam again, he has to join her.

For the next few subjects, Gong Yueer handed in the papers early and left the examination room as usual.

The parents who were waiting outside knew her.

"Did you see that this girl has handed in the paper again. If this is my daughter, she will probably be pissed off."

"Ten years of studying hard for these two days, this attitude, hey"

"Fortunately, it's not my Pengpeng. This time, my son must have done well in the exam. He said he felt pretty good in the first few subjects."

"Extraordinary performance."

As soon as the parent spoke, all the parents cast envious looks at her.

Some parents began to moan.

As soon as the exam was over, He Si took Gong Yueer out to relax. In order to prepare for the exam, the girl worked hard during this time.

Very hard.

That night, He Si played for the little girl at Zhu Yi's bar.

Make an exception today and let the little girl drink a little wine.

As soon as the hour came, Nangong Kuo and the others all brought their female companions, and even Zhu Yi brought a beautiful woman beside him.

But Yan Yan, as always, a lone ranger.

Appearing in front of Gong Yue'er in a fancy dress: "Damn girl, you are still taking the college entrance examination. I think you're going back as you live."

"It's really boring."

Yan Yan is the only one who dares to hate Gong Yue'er in public without any scruples.

At this time, the little girlfriend beside Zhu Yi suddenly said: "Little sister-in-law, sister Yanyan, my name is Li Rou, and I often hear Zhu Yi mentioning you two."

Li Rou took the initiative to toast Gong Yue'er and Yan Yan's wine, Gong Yue'er turned to look at Yan Yan, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

This dead woman must be suffering.

He obviously likes Zhu Yi, so he has to pretend to be ruthless and playing around with the world.

Look, when someone turns around, he has a girlfriend. This woman is really unparalleled in her work.

Yan Yan boldly picked up the wine glass, and touched the glass with Li Rou.

He poured all the wine into it, and Gong Yue'er also took two symbolic sips.

But people didn't expect that Li Rou turned out to be a scheming whore, and felt like she was pulling Zhu Yixiu's affection all night.

Yanyan was holding a glass of wine, with a charming smile on her face: "Hey, what is soft, is the man trained by my mother easy to use?"

 I've been sick for the past two days, and the update is a little less, I will make up for it in a few days, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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